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Hobby Anxiety

You're worrying over something that is frankly irrelevant.

But also, you have the wrong impression on pretty much all of that.

Believe me, there are plenty of fans of such things who are much older than you.

Instead of worrying about what others might think though, which is typically pointless, just go with what you like. To do otherwise is a road to madness.

Besides, what most people think of as "childish" and "mature" is usually bloody stupid, if you think about it. The same people who might say that your interests are "childish" will promptly go to some dumb bar, get themselves braindead drunk, make a total drooling idiot of themselves, and so on. Yet if confronted about it they'd declare themselves to be a totally mature adult. Ridiculous.

Real maturity isnt blindly following the whims of others or letting their opinions control you. Real maturity is simply being yourself, in the face of that nonsense. Being who YOU are, instead of who a bunch of idiots think you should be.
I like American comic book art.
I have a troupe of 192, 12-inch GI Joes & Barbie-Janes to help me draw better.

Comic books, action dolls, toys et al. are not appropriate in professional settings, but they are of no consequence as personal hobbies.
Any on the spectrum get worried about being to old for "childish hobbies"
I'm 24 and I love comic books, love Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Fantastic Four all of them....but I sometimes worry I'm to old for those things
How do you cope with this anxiety?
I cope with it by being glad I have something that makes me pleased and sunny and looking forward to the day.
I cope with anxiety by making a list of chores & getting them finished so I can emjoy my hobby in peace.
I cope with it by metaphorically sticking my tongue out at jerks, dead or alive, who bother me.

By whose yardstick do we measure ourselves?
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Echo on self determinism from above. My sense of self is about the value my interest has to me and those who share my interest. Dont worry about being wierd, or guessing about what others think. It's pointless. Just do what you will, save it cause no harm, and all will be well
It seems that you are worried about what others think of your hobbies. Ask yourself this: do your hobbies make you happy? Do your hobbies interfere with your ability to function in other areas of your life such as holding down a job or having relationships? People's opinions are just their own perspectives. Are you going to allow others to tell you what to like and what not to like? Live your own life; other people already have theirs. If your hobbies don't have a negative impact on you or others enjoy them!
I only stopped collecting superman comics because I didn't have enough money ,but now I try to collect wonder woman cartoon strips via online sources and download them ,if I had magical space I would collect a lot of comics .
I can relate, and had similar feelings at your age. One way I managed it was keeping my so called childish hobbies literally in the closet :D. Fairly quickly I stopped caring, as I sensed most people don't care and quite a few think they are cool too. But I still was selective with who I shared them with for quite a while. At this point it doesn't matter at all and I keep them out for all to see. I might still get an odd look or comment but nothing more. There are a lot worse things in this world after all. It is I think actually more accepted now. Comic's, Action Figures, etc, are more mainstream. So I would try and not worry about it and focus instead on the enjoyment you get out of it.

Oh and let me know if you ever come across any of these guys. Hamiliton's Invaders. One of the coolest 1960s toy series ever made. Bugs that walk, guns that fire, soldier snipping spring loaded mandibles. Hamilton is the big green big boss bug btw. :D

You're worrying over something that is frankly irrelevant.
Real maturity isn't blindly following the whims of others or letting their opinions control you. Real maturity is simply being yourself, in the face of that nonsense. Being who YOU are...

Well said, @Misery.

I define maturity in terms of self-reliance and interactions with people - Being able to do the daily "adulting" chores, and treating people around me courteously.

What I watch, read, or play in my spare time is my own business.
I’m 60 and collect old toys. I like gadgets. Some people collect old cars. Some people collect bottle caps, but I don’t know why.

Collect what makes you happy, if it’s something that others don’t collect then there is more of whatever for you!

Stop caring what others think, you don’t know but they may be off in the head and there you’d go listening to them?! Make your own decisions, you are doing great!
Don't worry about it. It's an aspie thing. Has to do with your neurology.

Here's what I want to order:

I like to remember that an adult probably wrote/created it. If an adult created a certain comic or story, shouldn't another adult be able to enjoy it?
I hope that makes sense.
Well I am 18 I collect stuffed animals and when I get too stressed to think too hard I like to watch sesame street or waffles and mochi. Those things were made for children yet I am an adult. There is no issue as it's just a hobby. I still go about my life as an adult and have hobbies that are more "age appropriate" but there is no age limit for these things it's about having fun and if your having fun then you're perfect for that hobby.

My personality is a bit childish too but that also does not get in the way of be being an adult. I am autistic and some things about me develop slower. But I don't even think that is what is going on for you.

Comic books are popular among many adults I have a habit of over correcting myself due to not knowing the limits socially. I am here to say that comic book collecting is perfectly normal among adult even more people your age. To combat anxiety remind yourself that you may be overcorrecting and it's perfectly normal to enjoy comic books at your age.
I don't believe anything you named is exclusively for children or thought of as being for children. Most men your age like the same things. I feel like I'm the only person I know not interested in those things. That's one of the advantages of meeting new people. It breaks delusions like these.
The best thing about getting older is ceasing to give a flying flip about what others think and just doing what makes you, you.

(P.S. when I was younger, I used to collect AOL CDs. People thought I was weird for sure!)

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