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'Holiday Music'

Any specific favorites that are not too overplayed every holiday season?

My holiday choice expereinces popularity during the holiday season, the 1980s song 'Last Christmas' by the band WHAM. Somehow, 'Last Christmas' is one of those rare songs that doesn't start sounding too old - unlike too many overplayed holiday favorites.
These two selections are not too overplayed during the holiday season.

- Christmas All Over Again - Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers (1992).
- Christmas (Baby Come Home) - Darlene Love (1963).
These two songs are more recent:

Eels - Christmas, Why You Gotta Do Me Like This (As you may guess, this one is more melancholy).

Foxworth Hall - Cause it's a Holiday

I feel as though I'm the odd one out, because all I really enjoy is the medieval and traditional Christmas hymns; none of the more modern, mainstream stuff. Give me 'Coventry carol' any day.
I feel as though I'm the odd one out, because all I really enjoy is the medieval and traditional Christmas hymns; none of the more modern, mainstream stuff. Give me 'Coventry carol' any day.
Yeah, I enjoy some of that. I also enjoy Jethro Tull and some of the more 'Celtic' stuff.

Jethro Tull - Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow

GreenMatthews - Winter Fair
Not sure if these qualify as holiday songs but they're certainly not over-played...

Any specific favorites that are not too overplayed every holiday season?

My holiday choice expereinces popularity during the holiday season, the 1980s song 'Last Christmas' by the band WHAM. Somehow, 'Last Just heard 'Last chiristma' by Christmas' is one of those rare songs that doesn't start sounding too old - unlike too many overplayed holiday favorites.

Just listened to 'Last Christmas' by WHAM. The lyric 'once bitten, twice shy' yielded a double take; as this lyric points-out all too familiar reminders with people concerned with the Autism Spectrum.

The LYRICS context in 'Last Christmas' may or may not be familiar with the Autism Spectrum.
LYRICS: https://genius.com/Wham-last-christmas-lyrics

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