I don't know if I'm a weirdo but I do not like to change
usually when change comes and happens, for me it's take a while to process everything that is going on. Usually it takes me a bit longer than most
I don't get it, I just don't
There is always some degree of anxiety regarding change,...I cannot imagine anyone not having it. I think it comes down to a combination of attitude, motivation, perspective, and context with regards to how we all deal with new situations. Sometimes, we find ourselves in a bad situation,...and the only way out is to change. Sometimes we have to change because of external forces,...adapt and overcome,...or suffer the consequences. Survival of the fittest doesn't always mean physical health,...but rather the ability to change in response to external forces,...and often that starts with a positive attitude, or at least an attitude of acceptance. Sometimes change presents opportunities.
Take for example, people who are Wall Street investors,...or the people who manage your investments, your 401Ks, your IRAs, etc. They are always looking at all the variables that influence businesses, and opportunities on how they make money. Russia's invasion into Ukraine,...horrible situation,...but there's money to be made in certain sectors of the economy. "Hurricane season" for the Gulf Coast states in the US each year,...homes wiped out, businesses destroyed,...but if you invest in concrete, wood products, construction equipment,...there is money to be made. So, if you can look at your life situation,...whatever it is,...sometimes embracing that change can offer you new opportunities to make your life situation better,...if you are savvy enough to look for them. Attitude and motivation, context and perspective. One of my mentors used to say, "If you've been doing the same thing for the past 5 years,...you're probably doing it wrong." and this is in reference to one's clinical practice in medicine,...which is always changing in response to new information.
All of our lives are going to change,...the chess pieces on the board are moving, and we rarely have any control of the game. Climate change, renewable energies, conversion to electric vehicles, cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligences,...the list goes on an on,...and it's all coming at us not in a linear fashion, but an exponential fashion. We must all respond to these things in our lives in a positive manner. There are some industries which are doomed to fail in response to these changes,...and if you have a job in one of these industries, and you know that storm is coming,...the writing is on the wall,...are you going to be a victim, or are you going to find a way to survive and change with the times?