Well-Known Member
I laughed when I read this! This does sound like the few times I did interact with such toys at all. In early childhood I never touched them, preferring toy cars and stuffed animals, but a little later me and my female cousin saw the movie George of the Jungle, and we kind of reenacted the only memorable thing about that movie: "Watch out for that tree!" She had a porch at the time with a tree next to it that was absolutely perfect for this purpose.I did not play with dolls. Later on I inherited my sister's plastic dolls whose name begins with 'b'. I found um, creative ways to dispose of them involving twine, knives, small firecrackers, stick boats and a resevoir lake. Mia you sound kind of like me as a child. I made carefully constructed ( ) stick and rock houses and put my brother's toy cars and action figures inside them, if he had them out there where I was playing. Otherwise, I just built the structures and found it satisfying. Much Later in life, when my son had Legos, I could play for hours alongside him.
My apologies to those who enjoy those b dolls.
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