This is a partial reprint because I've discussed it before!
In my mid-30s I decided I didn't want sexuality interfering anymore with my partner choices by distorting stuff, as it is apt to do for reasons of biological hoodwinking for reproduction and for psychological reasons if you grew up in a dysfunctional family of origin. It didn't lead to good partner choices for me. I decided instead to treat dating like a job application and to do that online, not in face-to-face, so that I could take appearances and pheromones out of the equation and go by primary values first and foremost, as well as hobbies and interests.
It was an excellent site asking people tons of questions on values, ideals, what they wanted out of relationships, what they wanted to give, if they wanted children, how they thought children should be raised, plus hobbies and interests etc, and I weeded out so much stuff this way, so quickly. You then PMd your most interesting people and that weeded out more, phoned the remaining ones and that weeded out more. One person got through all this with flying colours and vice versa for him. We met up, went hiking together, made meals, talked, watched films, became great friends, and wondered if we'd become attracted that way, but I was determined to really get to know him well before anything like that was going to be encouraged and acted on. Sounds unorthodox - perhaps just old-fashioned - but it was fabulous to do it that way and resulted in a longterm relationship based firmly on friendship, common values and compatibility (and don't you believe that the sex has to be worse that way, if anything it was much better than when doing this conventionally) - 15 years and counting.
As for the before and after - and also some general dating reflections - there's a ream on that here, if anyone has insomnia.
The Friend in the Basement