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How do I deal with autistic rage?

i would rather commit acts of social mischief against those like herself :smirk::tearsofjoy: the way any aspie like ourselves would commit against girls or women like that if we ever met them back in high school,if how you deal with it becomes ineffective :smirk::tearsofjoy:.
Well that wouldn’t work with that girl. She made a video post on social media making stuff up about another girl before and did it as a way to taunt her. She didn’t name names but we all knew who she was talking about. The other girl was furious and the rest of us agree that this girl really should not be working with us at all. She’s always on her phone when she is done working on her unit for over an hour and won’t help us do other tasks, she refuses to wear a hairnet which is a major violation of the state’s health code as we work in the kitchen and she helps serve food on the units, and she wears these really long fake nails which are technically a violation as a resident could choke on one if it falls off in the food but I sort of give that one a pass as she does wear disposable gloves so if a nail falls off while she is serving, it would be inside the glove and not in the food. She had these extremely long braids for about a year and I’m surprised that they didn’t fall into the food she was serving because of their length. All we can really do is make a statement if she starts causing trouble for the rest of us.
So I'm going through some tough life circumstances. It sucks and I get mad a lot and wanna hit people and break stuff. How do I deal with negative emotions? If I don't explode, then I get suicidal thoughts and want to kill myself. What do I do?

Finding a good therapist is probably your best option. I'm not qualified to give medical advice but I'll share what I've learned. It's helpful to understand that your own beliefs and way of thinking are responsible for causing your emotions. It's common for people who suffered from emotional neglect to mistakenly believe other people's actions cause their emotions which is a cognitive distortion known as a control fallacy. What actually happens is the way people treat you reminds you of your own beliefs and those beliefs are what causes your emotions. For example, you might get angry because you see yourself as defective and someone said something that reminded you of your belief about yourself. If you have a history of thinking negatively, you may believe people treat you unfairly. Your perception of the way people treat you and the way you interpret their actions can cause you to get angry. Their actions, however, cannot make you angry. Good therapists help people overcome their problems, instead of merely coping with them, by helping them change the way they think so they do not get angry in situations where feeling anger or other emotions would be unhelpful.

So-called "negative" emotions such as anger and sadness can help you identify unmet needs and recognize that something needs to change in your life. For example, you may get angry and want to hurt yourself because you have an unmet need to belong and feel unjustly excluded. Talking to someone who understands you and is willing to listen and help you with your emotions is very important. Therapists can help when family or friends are unavailable or unable to help.
What do I do?
Pull weeds. Find a community garden or a big nursery and help out. You’ll be surprised how soon your anger ebbs. My father used to get furious, & sometimes he lost control of that. But when he remembered to go out the door and get physically hard at work - things would turn right around.
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Probably sounds like an autistic meltdown. Last August (In 2021) I had explained in my video upload how I managed one autistic meltdown\burn out. Last October I had made it back to this homestead site and filmed the whole lot since I am hoping to get back there in August 2022.

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