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How do I get diagnosis?

I'm 34 and suspect I have aspergers. Im currently attending cognitive behaviour therapy which is not working. How do I get a diagnosis? Do I go to my GP? X
One thing you'll find here are threads dealing with the agony of misdiagnosis. Another is seeing how divided meidcal professionals may be over what the think constitutes being on the spectrum of autism. It's scary.

Just because someone has medical school degree is no guarantee of obtaining a competent neurological analysis of a complex and dynamic condition like ASD.

Translation: If I ever decide to obtain a formal diagnosis, it would be to a neurologist or psychiatrist who is a known specialist in the field of autism. And yes, if you are in the US it likely means spending a great deal of money.

Going to a GP or a social worker for such a diagnosis? Never.
Where do you live? It will depend on which country you are in. In the UK you can go to your GP and they will refer you to specialist for diagnosis.
I've seen it advised on this forum to see someone who has diagnosed at least 50 adults. I think that is good advice.
If you're in a country with overtly socialized medicine there are likely protocols to adhere to. That can be dicey if the person in question isn't as qualified as they need to be. But if you're locked into such a system I suppose you won't have much choice unless your're willing to pay good money outside the system.

But then even in the states a GP might know a good specialist. Can't hurt to inquire. Then again if they refer you blindly, that might not be so preferable. That could be a crapshoot. But then it's just my opinion to go in being so discriminating at the outset to avoid heartbreak and disappointment not of your making.
Thank you all for your responses. I live in the UK. In all honesty, in my experience I don't hold a great deal of faith in seeing my GP. I know what they are going to tell me. I think maybe I need to think of a way to approach my GP in a way that will get them to refer me to a psychiatrist. Telling that I think I have aspergers will not be the way forward. I think I will have to voice my actual experiences and how badly they affect my daily life. I was actually referred to a psychiatrist about 10 years ago, who said there was nothing wrong with me and that I had personality disorder. That really didn't help.

Thank you xxx
When I went to see my GP I turned up with a pre-written list explaining all of my symptoms and problems, and just handed them over. It worked really well.

Asking to see a younger doctor might also help, they tend to be more on the ball about things like autism, and generally still enthusiastic enough about their jobs to genuinely want to help.
I'm 34 and suspect I have aspergers. Im currently attending cognitive behaviour therapy which is not working. How do I get a diagnosis? Do I go to my GP? X

You may consult with your state. I got a diagnosis through my state's Occupational & Vocatinal Rehabilitation office.
Hello all you do is go to your family doctor and have them choose a psychiatrist for you to see to get tested that is what i did i got diagnosed last year at age 43. TODD
Thank you all for your responses. I live in the UK. In all honesty, in my experience I don't hold a great deal of faith in seeing my GP. I know what they are going to tell me. I think maybe I need to think of a way to approach my GP in a way that will get them to refer me to a psychiatrist. Telling that I think I have aspergers will not be the way forward. I think I will have to voice my actual experiences and how badly they affect my daily life. I was actually referred to a psychiatrist about 10 years ago, who said there was nothing wrong with me and that I had personality disorder. That really didn't help.

Thank you xxx
I would still try approaching your GP. Things have come a long way in 10 years regarding ASD adult diagnoses, and you may find they are more sympathetic that you imagined. My GP was very understanding and helpful. GPs often use a screening test of about 10 questions http://docs.autismresearchcentre.com/tests/AQ10.pdf to decide whether to refer you or not - or they will ask questions such as if you have a history of employment difficulties, learning disabilities, relationship difficulties, etc. They need to know if you have symptoms which affect your daily life to justify making the referral.

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