Hello my name is Aleksander and i have a very big problem. Everytime i go on the internet, i go to forums, youtube and all sorts of places where people comment and such and whenever i see a comment that is not correct in my eyes, i need to disprove it and that leads to them getting angry and we start arguing. I do not know how to stop myself. Ive been doing this for years now and i can't control it. Everytime i see someone saying something that totally misleads to what i belive, i feel like proving that what i think is correct and thats the only answer. Can anybody relate / help me on this? I don't want to argue with people but i just can't help myself
I realize this original post is old, but feel compelled to comment.
Just today I had the epiphany that my ASD boyfriend has a similar issue. He has learned there is no point in arguing with people who don't see things from his point of view, but it still "annoys" him. That's his favorite word.
I came to this realization after dealing with his constant comments about health and fitness that drive me BATTY. He hasn't seemed to learn to disconnect his "annoyance" with me when I don't agree with his points of view because he sees himself as "right" based on what he knows, has read, and believes are stances based on fact and logic.
I agree with something written above, irrespective of someone's beliefs/ideas being wrong, does it hurt YOU to engage in an argument? I'm guessing it does because you wouldn't be asking. I know when I get agitated it's a very unpleasant experience. I'd rather have a peaceful existence.
Maybe consider this. Make a choice based on your knowledge and past experience. How many times have people "seen the light" when you have argued with them about something? If they have and it's important to you maybe you will find it worth getting into arguments. If you are unsuccessful at swaying people (let's be honest, most people look for information to support their supporting positions. That's called confirmation bias, if you aren't familiar with the dynamic.)
I would recommend doing something different. Avoid the areas where you find yourself tempted to engage in arguments. When you feel the need to argue, leave the site and go for a walk. Let the anger calm and make a logical decision as to whether this is going to benefit you.
Now, what I realized about my bf recently is that he has difficulty putting himself in others' shoes when he knows he's right. For example, I live in the US where, unfortunately, we still have to fight for the woman's right to have abortions. I am "pro-choice" but I understand the reasons and "facts" the pro-life people believe they are right. My bf would be unable to understand both sides. Being NT, my mind is more malleable to understand why someone else might believe something "wrong". Or let's use global warming. My bf has data that convinces him that it's a hoax. I have data that says the opposite. Will we ever convince the other? NO! So, except in weak moments, I avoid touching on that subject. He's says I'm "naïve" and I say he's "closed-minded". LOL.
Hope this helps.