Welcome to Autism Forums, a friendly forum to discuss Aspergers Syndrome, Autism, High Functioning Autism and related conditions.
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Yep, that's a good one.Fish trying very hard to climb trees.
That's my attempt. Probably a bit too abstract?
If you are referring to my post regarding a fish and society design; please notice that I never used the word "wish". I do not wish to take myself out of mainstream humanity. I do however struggle for my social blindness and difficulty in a society that does not match my umwelt. Acknowledging that struggle does not suggest any "wishes".I think we would regret taking ourselves out of mainstream humanity. Or even sounding like we want to do this.
"Beware what you wish for".
The DSM-5 definition of autism is obtuse. I'm trying to come up with a translation or a way to define autism that captures its elements in plain language. For example, my best attempt to date:
Autism is a problem of brain development. It affects how people interact with others, communicate, and behave. It's a broad spectrum that in the past was divided into different conditions, so people vary widely in how much their life is affected by it. With time, some people develop skills to compensate or cover (mask) symptoms. The list of symptoms is long and has so many combinations that it's difficult to capture how the experience looks like from the inside and outside a person. [This is the part where I would explain how it manifests in my life.]