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How Do You Feel About Being Alone?

Will you eat lots of yakisoba while in hikikomori?

I looked that up and that is pretty much my lifestyle. However I do like to get outdoors for at least an hour a day. But walks where I don't encounter others.

I am allergic to yakisoba, so no. ;)
I guess i did a good job as a boyfriend though smilie lives far away i care about her and love her very much and want her to feel safe, weve been talking since last september, i eased her from her anxiety attack to ensure nobodies gonna hurt her.
I let her know everything is going to be ok she was so scared and shaking, had a bit anxiety attack i calmed her down and ensured shes safe it took a little while she feels safe now Shes calm now i hugged and comforted her.
Our song me and her she loves this song. I send her this song every night before going to sleep it means alot to her.
Love being alone.
Feel like I'm about to have a panic attack around most people, especially children and people I know to be parents.
Love being alone.
Feel like I'm about to have a panic attack around most people, especially children and people I know to be parents.
I dont i get sad and lonely, i used to like being alone but was grumpy and bitter and attacked people till i opened up now im opposite, i love company and like to talk, otherwise i feel sad. A feral human hermit i was for a long time, now forced to live like it again its opposite and i get sad and very lonely.I was so used to being alone i was grumpy so bitter a troll, i trolled people and attacked those wanting to get close to me not anymore i want company and sorry feel lonely and cry, love company and love i do. I dont like being alone anymore i get sad and love company and love otherwise i get depressed and sad i feel so lonely and cry.
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I'm used to being alone. It's comfortable now.

I used to try and make friends and do things with people, but I can't be bothered anymore. It was always me making the effort. Well, mostly me. I have 2 friends that will organise things maybe once a month, so I'm not totally alone. I have family I visit once a month as well.
If you are alone most of the time, how do you feel about it? Love it? Hate it?

I prefer solitude most of the time.

I love being alone, though I do want to have friends (who I get, and who get me, and with whom I can be myself). But I'd rather not do the (really bloody hard) work to get good and close friends (find, make, develop) because I actually just like it here at home. It's tricky.
I'm tired of being single, but I don't have a social life. Honestly, how can we do so with the law now? At least we can still talk on Skype, on the phone, and on forums. :P
Im not a troll anymore i love company, i love company and sorry for my past i dont like being alone i get very sad, i love my smilie, she was there for me when i was down and eased my anxiety. I was so shaken of covid 19, i wanted to kill myself but she snapped me out of it, she was crying but also chewed me out on steam chat, she was sad mad. I snapped out of it and comforted her she stopped crying and let her know i love here and im not gonna die.
Sometimes l have a social life. Sometimes l don't. l really never did place that much importance on obtaining a social life. l realize l am quirky and it can be misleading. My looks can also cause me some problems where guys think l am just asking for attention when l am just myself. l am funny with men and woman yet men view it as a come on. So l rejoice in the downtime, to rewind,ruminate how l could have done something better. Aloneness brings peace and pleasure to me.
Sometimes l have a social life. Sometimes l don't. l really never did place that much importance on obtaining a social life. l realize l am quirky and it can be misleading. My looks can also cause me some problems where guys think l am just asking for attention when l am just myself. l am funny with men and woman yet men view it as a come on. So l rejoice in the downtime, to rewind,ruminate how l could have done something better. Aloneness brings peace and pleasure to me.

Half the guys I meet think I am gay and think I am trying to crack onto them.
And, you guessed it,
Half the women I meet think I am trying to crack onto them, also.

Moral of the story: Don't be aspie friendly to people you just met. :D
I dont like being alone too long, i get sad. Its like solitary confinement, i always want someone to talk to or i get depressed, i get very sad and lonely and cry.
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I like to be alone for the most part but I still need other people for things and sometimes I do get lonely.
I really miss intimacy with someone
I miss being close, hugging being intimate in person and talking face to face, i dont like being alone long anymore i get separation and abandonment anxiety, i feel sad.Tempted to binge drink and forget everything and black out, feeling unloved, soo sad. I get very sad and depressed feeling unloved, and drink more till i black out and kill the pain in my heart.
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I love being alone, but long spells of solitude build up my energy to the point where I become restless. I expend energy, through social interaction, allowing me to sufficiently exhaust myself, to relax and sleep.

I am an introvert, and love long, interrupted solitude. It empowers me and lets me reach my best flow states. Nonetheless, I sometimes meet somebody whom I come to love, and want to balance solitude with interacting with them. I wish we still lived in a time where meetups weren't so risky.

I do hope everyone is doing well, during the pandemic, and finding optimism and hope, wherever we can.

With love,

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