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How do you make friends?

Could also help to find groups that are interested in the same thing as you. In the past, I tried volunteering and various activities, but if it's a generic interest, usually I make acquaintances, not friends.
Having a common interest is usually a good start in developing a connection.

You're supposed to make friends?

I've been doing this all wrong. I'm in with the group that suggests being around extroverts until one shows up who needs a side kick.

This has worked well enough because I don't really need random friends calling or dropping all the time, so 2 has been a comfortable number.
I don't find social situations overbearing, I just get too shy. I feel that people are easily distracted in larger groups so when I talk I feel afraid of being interrupted or them being distracted while I'm talking and then I feel awkward or embarrassed. That's my only issue in social situations where there are a lot of people. And being shy can get a bit boring too.
I know I'm likeable with people, but I don't make friends very well with my female peers. I'm very well-liked and respected at work, and all my husband's family think I'm nice and everything, but when it comes to making friends like being invited out with other women my age, it just doesn't seem to happen. Most women in their 20s and 30s seem to back away from me and prefer to talk to other women in the same age range. Sometimes I feel more mature than others my age, because I usually fit in better with older women. And older men too. I seem to be on their level for some reason.
Talk to people here.

You can play forum games, start private messages, or find kindred spirits in the threads. We are a large group and it’s good practice to hone in on a few real friends.

In real life I would suggest more structured activities than unstructured group gatherings. You could try to take a class, join a club, or volunteer somewhere.
This is good advice. We all gravitate here by way of being autistic, and it's better to start making connections by being your authentic self over starting out with the more challenging route by trying to seek out neurotypical friends.

I mean, make friends with whoever you like, obv. But the people on this forum will have an easier time understanding the difficulty of social interaction, which might make us a good starting point.

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