I have a negative self image of myself. I really lack confidence and I am also very aware of my shortcomings and my inability to interact successfully with people. I know that I have not attained much of what others have attained in their lives at my age (I am 32). I was also diagnosed as a teenager, and i guess maybe growing up and having a parent who would find many opportunities even before I was diagnosed to call me derogatory things like r*****, m****, and copy everything I said or did with exaggeration, plus also being bullied in school, i guess maybe its not really a surprise that I have this negativity about myself and always process everything i have done to the point that I loop around to see If something i had done could have been changed or something. I tell myself a lot of hatefilled hurtful things that are probably not true but i perceive them to be true. This person hates me because of this….I dont deserve friendship….they got rid of Me because I was bad at my job (when thats really not true at all…nothing is). Yet, I dont see it as such and I am fighting very hard to turn my thoughts into positives. But my confidence is awfully low.
I have started to embrace some form of eccentricity but I do think that I am playing a role and I will never fully be comfortable as who I am. WHen people tell me good things, I dont believe them.
I have had a similar problem with this. When I was younger, it really used to concern my grandparent’s friends that I would be Always thinking someone who was nice = a friend. I tend to take someone being friendly and nice as someone who is a friend and when they are not what they appear to be as such, and i get backstabbed because thats usually how it goes, i tend to take it more as a betrayal and be deeply hurt by it. I had this with a former work colleague and now, I am very aware of how easily I can fall into this. And that also messes with my confidence.