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How Do You Stop Caring What People Think?

I have a negative self image of myself. I really lack confidence and I am also very aware of my shortcomings and my inability to interact successfully with people. I know that I have not attained much of what others have attained in their lives at my age (I am 32). I was also diagnosed as a teenager, and i guess maybe growing up and having a parent who would find many opportunities even before I was diagnosed to call me derogatory things like r*****, m****, and copy everything I said or did with exaggeration, plus also being bullied in school, i guess maybe its not really a surprise that I have this negativity about myself and always process everything i have done to the point that I loop around to see If something i had done could have been changed or something. I tell myself a lot of hatefilled hurtful things that are probably not true but i perceive them to be true. This person hates me because of this….I dont deserve friendship….they got rid of Me because I was bad at my job (when thats really not true at all…nothing is). Yet, I dont see it as such and I am fighting very hard to turn my thoughts into positives. But my confidence is awfully low.

I have started to embrace some form of eccentricity but I do think that I am playing a role and I will never fully be comfortable as who I am. WHen people tell me good things, I dont believe them.

I have had a similar problem with this. When I was younger, it really used to concern my grandparent’s friends that I would be Always thinking someone who was nice = a friend. I tend to take someone being friendly and nice as someone who is a friend and when they are not what they appear to be as such, and i get backstabbed because thats usually how it goes, i tend to take it more as a betrayal and be deeply hurt by it. I had this with a former work colleague and now, I am very aware of how easily I can fall into this. And that also messes with my confidence.
I'm sorry you had to go through all of that it's hard when family especially is cruel. That has formed a lasting negative self image in myself as well. I really and truly hope that it gets better for you.

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