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How does caffeine affect you?

I do use nootropics and natural "cognitive enhancers" like L-theanine, N-acetyl cysteine, creatine, phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl choline, methyl B12, methyl folate, NAD+, probiotics, etc.

Until now I've tried to tame my brain my trying to calm it down. Everything from alcohol to baths, relaxation tapes to herbal teas. I got to think that maybe the problem isn't the non stop whirring of a problem machine solving everything it sees, but the fact that I can't focus and shift my attention, leading to a feeling of being overwhelmed (yeah, I know this sounds like ADHD, but anyway). I was wondering if nootropics might help by channeling my thinking, and perhaps trying turn down the tempo was the wrong approach. How has your experience been with all these?
Caffeine keeps me away at night, so I never drink it after 5p. Booze makes me sleepy so I never drink it before 5p. They are perfectly complementary.

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