self-directed education. I think I disliked school's formal education since they didn't do it playful-wise, or directly left no room for anything creative at all. I lost my interest when it turned mechanic, still I had to finish my studies. I currently study long distance but manuals and exam system are still mechanic and still I'm not productive that way.
I learn a lot better if is more playful, creative, so I tended to study and work on my own since I was a teen and I was pointed by the teachers because we were suppoused to do team-work. I couldn't fit into team-work most of the times.
I guess as a writer I do a lot of self-education, research for a story, a scene a particular job or hobby, a particular time in History, a particular place, makes me learn a lot about many "random" things, that fit together in a story, so they turn to be not that random, right?
In my current studies I couldn't filter my "random" knowledge and the teacher pointed at it as if it were a bad thing, said all those things were just useless, even when some of those "random" contents were further knowledge about what our manuals said we had to learn.
I'm going to take a year off my current degree and think afterwards if I finish that degree, change to another, try another educative system or not take any more formal studies and just fit in small groups or particular courses that I'm interested on or just keep researching on my own on my fields of interest -like checking psychology manuals and such-.
The only semi-formal course I felt better taking were creative writing courses, which given my bad experience with other formal studlies I was hesitant to take, but those were creative, and open-minded, so I learnt a lot there and had a great time.