It was not such much what I did, but that it is unusual enough I have to keep it secret. That I am piling up these things that can cause indifference, raised eyebrows, or in some cases, some jerk says something cruel. The people I work with are smart. It is almost impossible to keep secrets from them. I am the worse liar, I volunteering at a daycare and came in late, I said it was traffic and literally got called out by a 5yr old. I am not going to even try if I am this bad. Someone says how was your Sunday, and I have to deflect, but they know something is up because I suck at deflecting. Now they are curious. It is miserable. They say, what is the problem, we all binge. Like last night I watch 6 episodes after work. So I say I started at 7am and went until 2:30am and watched 44 episodes? So, how do I explain this is to a neurotypical when I barely understand it?
If he is satisfied, and there are no more questions, I have escaped. But when he says how many did you watch? so I deflect and he is now curious. It is like a nightmare where everyone thinks I am weirdo, or just that I am eccentric, but still an extreme one relative to ones they know. I just don't want this trouble.