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How often do you go out?

How often do you go out?

  • Rarely

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • Occasionally

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Frequently

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters


Former Co-Owner
V.I.P Member
How often do you go out?

-1 - 2 times a week
-3 - 5 times a week

Yet for me, its along the Occasionally to frequently line as you might of noticed.
I prefer to stay in the house but being so busy and having freedom and the flexibility also rocks for me aswell for why I'm outdoors alot.

I think I might just stop there.
I try to go out at least twice a week, Saturday usually being one of those days. However, some weeks I don't go out at all and then others I'll go out more if social opportunities arise.
Recently only when i have college and some times with my mum to sainsburys.

At least 3 times a week because of college i go out.
I go out everyday at least once, usually with Willow but we only do things by ourselves or with family normally or have to do certain things for work. :)
I go out occasionally too. About 2-3 times a week. Especially during summer when it`s warm, nice wather and there is light clothed girls on beaches. But I always go alone. I should sometimes ask someone to join me.
Here in Jakarta going to the mall is considered to be a major social outing.

In which case I go out every day, usually several times, since I actually live in a shopping mall.
Yes, I just wait until they close up for the night then I sleep on a bed or a sofa in one of the furniture stores. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the food court tends to get a bit boring though, and having a shower in the toilets is a nightmare.

Seriously, I live in a shopping mall. There are 8 floors of cafes, restaurants, food courts, banks, supermarkets, yada yada yada, and directly above that there are about 40 floors of apartments. I have a card to get into the apartment lobby, which is in the middle of the 1st floor. My kids absolutely love living here. And I live in a proper, 2 bedroom apartment on the 36th floor.
Not as often as I should, but I'm working on it... I don't have a car so I can hardly just go out whenever I need to- not big on driving as it is. I've been giving some things some serious thought lately, like a job, school, etc, so I am trying to get myself out there more one way or the other...
Yes, I just wait until they close up for the night then I sleep on a bed or a sofa in one of the furniture stores. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the food court tends to get a bit boring though, and having a shower in the toilets is a nightmare.

Seriously, I live in a shopping mall. There are 8 floors of cafes, restaurants, food courts, banks, supermarkets, yada yada yada, and directly above that there are about 40 floors of apartments. I have a card to get into the apartment lobby, which is in the middle of the 1st floor. My kids absolutely love living here. And I live in a proper, 2 bedroom apartment on the 36th floor.

You're all set for when the zombies attack then :D
Hmm...depends on what you're referring to when you say "go out"

Go outside? Usually a couple times a day if the weather is nice, as little as possible when it's not.

Go out with people? Maybe once a week. If I go home to visit my family, a little more often than that.

Go out to parties/bars? Rarely. I'm of age, but bars and parties are too loud for me.
Hmm...depends on what you're referring to when you say "go out"

Go outside? Usually a couple times a day if the weather is nice, as little as possible when it's not.

Go out with people? Maybe once a week. If I go home to visit my family, a little more often than that.

Go out to parties/bars? Rarely. I'm of age, but bars and parties are too loud for me.
I definitely mean all these things, at the time I was referring to just going outside.
I knew someone who would be in the house literally 24/7, never went to college and nothing.

I still don't get how he can still afford things? :lol:

The only time that worked was when he came round my place.
I definitely mean all these things, at the time I was referring to just going outside.
I knew someone who would be in the house literally 24/7, never went to college and nothing.

I still don't get how he can still afford things? :lol:

The only time that worked was when he came round my place.

Ah, I see. The amount that someone is disabled due to their AS probably varies, and is probably highly affected by co-occuring disorders, like anxiety (I don't know if the one you knew even had AS--being in the house 24/7 sounds like he might have had agoraphobia, either in isolation or occuring with AS, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, or something of the like.

I go to school--I feel like my AS actually helps me learn if I"m in a good environment. I'm most disabled socially. All the other girls in my program go out together--I never get invited, and I never really like to stay out late. Plus, they like to go to bars and such, which I try to avoid because they're just so darn loud. But really, I wish someone would sit by me in class and initiate conversation. We have the same knowledge base, so there would be a lot for us to talk about.

Anyway, yeah, it's hard to imagine how someone who doesn't go out, doesn't work can afford anything at all, how he acquires food and such, etc. I suppose things like online grocery shopping and delivery make that possible. But like you pointed out, I wonder how that gets paid for. Disability payments maybe? I don't know; I don't know much about how that works.
depends how you define going out. if you define it as leaving the house, then pretty much every day. if you define it as going out at night, to a bar or whatever, 2 to 3 times a week.

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