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How often do you go out?

How often do you go out?

  • Rarely

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • Occasionally

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Frequently

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
My wife and I go to breakfast every Saturday morning at the same place. Does that count?
The awkward moment when the wheelie bin goes out more than me...

I go out like once every month if I'm lucky, and that's WITH company. Other than that, I'm alone and don't have an exciting life for now...
I go out when I feel I have skipped it for a long time and I should make a little sacrifice for my friends. They really seem to care wheteher I go with them or not even when I have said many times I don't crave for it.
I mainly go out for grocery trips, church, electronic stores, and the movie theater. My sense of direction is very poor though; I'd have to carry a compass everywhere to understand when people say "north" or "west", instead of left or right. I don't drive, so learning my way around hasn't been very important to me. I also fear being lost, especially at night...so that's another concern.
I don't count driving to school and back home as going out, I don't count seeing my therapist or the place I get help and do my homework as going out. So I go out next to never. I wan't to but I don't have anyone close to go out with :sob:
Luckily I go to an Aspie meeting next month where there will be a small group of fellow Aspies to have some childish fun :blush: (Kidding) but I can be childish. And from than on it will be every month.
And when I get to go out in the future (like disco's and stuff like that :grin: I get sensory overloaded and embarrassed because girls will talk to me and I don't know what to say.. :coldsweat:) I will be in for a lot of fun because girls seem to like me :smiley:.

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