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How´s your sense of direction?


Well-Known Member
I have a really bad sense of direction. I don´t know how to get to almost anywhere. If i know how to get somewherre it´s because I have been there a million times, but even to those places, if they close a street or something like that and I have to take a different route, I´m lost.
I get the impression that many of us are extreme creatures of habit. We don't necessarily adapt well to some kind of changes. Unexpected changes in plans can also cause some serious disappointment.

Yet I'd have to say my sense of direction is excellent. But then one of my obsessions is maps...not to mention I minored in geography.

But if I go to the supermarket and they've rearranged grocery aisles, it can nearly send me into a panic at times. Worse if what I need is not in stock. So yeah, we don't adapt well to some changes! Guilty as charged.

ASD can manifest itself in some curious ways when it comes to "change" of all kinds.
I'm the same way! I was going to work once when it was snowing - the same way I always go and they detoured us off the hwy because of an accident. I didn't know where the heck I was. I called work and said I wouldn't be coming in cause I was lost. What happened is I said a prayer and got out my GPS on the phone and it literally told me turn for turn where to go (it was snowing so much you could hardly see in front of you!) I ended up getting to work and clocking in 1 MINUTE before I would have been late!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
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I pretty good with sense of direction and can remember places I been to even if it only been once. The good news for people who struggle and own smartphone can use an app for assistance.
I'm usually pretty good when it comes to direction.

In P.E however, that is another story. :P
I would always run to the wrong goal and ruin the game for my team. :P
Sense of direction ? What sense of direction ? :P lol I have a really bad sense of direction and have been lucky to have found my way back home a couple of times. Unless it's a straight walk and I don't have to take any turns, I usually survive ...
My new vehicle has a 430N radio which has satelite radio(love it) and gps(very usefull). I always felt anxious going places because I had never been there or did not remember the way exactly, and even with those printed off google type directions they are hard to read while driving alone, so now I feel much better putting the destination point into the gps and knowing I will get there without all the crap associated with not knowing the way exactly. The digital compass is also handy, since the analog one in my inclinometer does not work, but it does at least measure pitch and roll to + or - 40 degrees (and the jeep can climb up to 43 degrees of slope, although I would not be up for testing how much roll it will take, probably not the full 40 degrees!)
I get lost very easily. Writing out directions helps, but I've gotten lost despite of it. During driving lessons it took weeks of driving the same routes to even have a clue of where I was.
My sense of direction is poor. Whenever I go somewhere, I get lost and am like:
I'm not sure if my sense of direction is amazing or horrible. I'm also a little obsessed with the city maps and I know my city very well (I love to think about the history of every district and how they were developed). But I often mess up everything, forget where I am and I make confusions with directions.

I remember when I was taking the metro (subway) to go to Paulista Ave. Here is Sao Paulo metro's map:

I came from Artur Alvim (at the right of the red line), went to Republica (still at the red line), then I went to the yellow line.
I've made this mistake about 3 times: the most obvious way to get into the Paulista Ave., for me, was going to the Paulista station. But, for some weird reason, the Paulista station is not located at Paulista Avenue! It's located at the Consolacao St. Consolacao, which is the next station, IS located at the Paulista Avenue.

I got out from the Paulista station, looked around, and asked myself "Where the hell am I?".

I also remember when I was walking from Vergueiro (at the blue line) to Paulista Ave, which is very close. I gave up and took the subway, because I was getting lost.
I have a very good sense of direction. I like maps and geography in general. I love to go exploring, I've been all over the mountains and deserts of Idaho. Back road and off road exploring on a dirt bike is the best. I stay on the trails to minimize the damage to the land. I have gone many miles in a day and always find my way back.
I have a really bad sense of direction. I don´t know how to get to almost anywhere. If i know how to get somewherre it´s because I have been there a million times, but even to those places, if they close a street or something like that and I have to take a different route, I´m lost.

Me too! I don't drive but i go the same way everywhere and if i take a different route, or if we take a different route, i can get very confused - at the least, if not totally lost - about where everything is. I can never remember street names, either - i remember restaurants and businesses nearby not the street they're on lol.
But if I go to the supermarket and they've rearranged grocery aisles, it can nearly send me into a panic at times. Worse if what I need is not in stock.
Or even worse, if they stopped producing it all together!
I don't think this is an Aspie thing at all. :)
I have a great sense if direction, probably cause I found it more exciting to like out the window in the car than speak to anyone in it. I have had a couple friends in the past call me the human GPS.
My sense of direction is great. I rarely get lost, though the more and more I use my phone and the maps on it, the more I actually get confused.

If I needed to visit a place years ago, I would open a map, often in a physical book, look at it, memorize a few streets along the way and I was good to go. It's not photographic memory of maps, but I guess it's somewhat similar.
Give me 24 hours in a place, and I will *know* it. Well, except Chicago for some reason.
My sense of direction is really good and I love to know where I am. :cool:

There is a compass rose I scribed into the concrete of my porch that was backed up by 6 independent GPS based readings and 6 magnetic compasses to reduce chances of error...sounds like a bit anal if you ask me :D

I have an GPS that I put away five years ago and never found again...go figure :p
Usually, I can't get lost even if I try. Earlier this year, I was hitting bottom with a nasty round of depression and went hiking in the woods in a large park where I'd never been. I left the trails, kept moving away from any noises of civilization, trying my darnedest to get lost. Didn't work. I always knew which direction my truck was from me, and where the nearest highway was from my position, too. I kept thinking maybe I should've tried to find a bigger park to get lost in, lol.

One especially terrible day, I even tried getting lost hiking while getting drunk. (I never get wasted like that...has only happened 4 times in my life, and this was one of them...the most recent one before this was 1995.) Still didn't work. I passed out in the woods for a while, woke up just before dark, started walking in the right direction, and ended up back on the right trail back to my truck. (I didn't drive home...called for help.)
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I have a good sense of direction, but it can go astray if I worry or panic about where I am going. My biggest fault in this department is spotting or reading street signs and the like when I should and so miss my target (then i can stall and panic).

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