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How´s your sense of direction?

I have a good sense of direction, but it can go astray if I worry or panic about where I am going. My biggest fault in this department is spotting or reading street signs and the like when I should and so miss my target (then i can stall and panic).
Laughs...I will warn you to stay out of the Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania USA area then...the roads are poorly or not even marked all over the surrounding communities :D
There's this store I always visit every time I go see my sister. Every time she gives me directions to the store.
Go to the town square, face the large glass building, turn left, walk for 25-30 minutes, the store will be on your right side. I still manage to get lost every single time.
Cities are confusing, too many distractions... I'm a master at finding my way through the woods, though.
I can't find my way out of a wet paper bag. Las Vegas is known for having the straightest streets that are easy to navigate, but I put my hubby through 5 hrs of hell trying to find home when we went back for the first time being away for a year, lol. As soon as I make a turn in a mall I have to use the map to find my way back out. My husband, on the other hand, is also and Aspie and he's like a human weather station, he can tell direction, change in barometric pressure and humidity like no other. He can tell direction easily I think because he has a photographic memory and can remember where things are in relation to each other that way. My 3 yr old son is really good with that too. If we go anywhere more than once he can recognize when we're getting close by his surroundings and tells me where we're going. I can see him being my little GPS when he gets older.
I don't have a sense of direction :x
I get lost to things if something changes.
Or, if I'm at home, and I'm walking somewhere and something has changed, I don't necessarily get lost, but I run into things. (I have many bruises.)

P.S. I own a smartphone, but using GPS uses too much disk space on my phone, thus I cannot have the app as I lack space. :c
Untill recently I taught mine was fine. Last few years I've been driving my car, and I always knew where to go.
I decided to stop driving because I just don't like it, so back to walking and public transportation *shiver*.

Last week, on my way back from the trainstation I got lost in my own bleeming city.
The problem I run in to is, its a rather old city (brugge) and everything sort of looks the same.
Allot of the buildings look alike, the architecture is all the very similar.
They're all brown, like a coco fairy flew over and sprinkeled everything with cocopowder.
It took me just over 60 minutes to get home, while that same day the walk to the trainstation only took 12 minutes and 40 seconds.

On the bright side, while getting lost I met someone nice and we talked about birds.
She was kind enough to give me directions after I explained the situation.
I passed her 3 times in the same street, I was going in circles. made me feel really silly hehe.
Disorientation is my middle name. I get lost in cities, towns, villages, houses . . . I can get lost anywhere, anytime.

Strangely though, I once went backpacking for a year, spent a few weeks in Bangkok which I loved and explored extensively, and never once got lost.

On the other hand I once not only entered the wrong apartment building, but actually entered the wrong apartment! Which I noticed when not only the wardrobe in the hall was different, but the kitchen had moved . . . o_O
My friends seemed to think my idea of taking a compass to the Renaissance Festival was silly, so I get the impression my sense of direction is worse than theirs.
I have a dreadful sense of direction. Someone actually bought me a satnav because they were so sick of me getting lost and being late for our meet ups. Even in aerobics class my sense of direction is terrible, I'll bounce off the the right when everyone else bounces off to the left. My spatial awareness is terrible as well. I get really confused really easily if I deviate from a known route.
Yeah my sense of direction is good as well. I have an almost photographic memory when it comes to maps, but I still can't remember what dam shelf the jam came off, in the fridge.
My son's a shocker when it comes to his sense of direction. Had to get him a gps for his car, and even then it has to tell him audibly when to turn. Swear to god, without it, he'd drive off the end of a pier.
Yeah my sense of direction is good as well. I have an almost photographic memory when it comes to maps, but I still can't remember what dam shelf the jam came off, in the fridge.
My son's a shocker when it comes to his sense of direction. Had to get him a gps for his car, and even then it has to tell him audibly when to turn. Swear to god, without it, he'd drive off the end of a pier.
Trust me...as cool as it sounds,having an image based memory is no day at the beach at times...

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