I set high expectations too, and this has worked better for me. still relatively unhappy, but at least I finally understand it's not really me and it's them. Sounds like you are in a very similar situation. Don't shut them out completely, but if you've already initiated once or twice and they don't reciprocate, then move on. Don't completely shut the door, but keep leading them on to call and keep implying that you'll believe it when it actually happens. If the conversation keeps going on with excuses, just tell them that everyone is busy and has their own issues, and if and when the time comes, you will know. Also, you can let them know that you can't wait around for things to happen and that your idea of hanging out and what a friend versus acquaintance is may be different than what they say. The real truth of the matter is, a lot of people just don't want to be open about it. So, they play all the "games", not with the intention of playing the games necessarily, but it's accepted socially. I've also been too open with certain people on and off the spectrum, and they don't take it well. I had someone try to be open with me after the fact, but I was upset and that person because he lied to me about his interests, and I was willing to work with his situations if he was willing to work with mine despite our differences in interests. One reason why many people don't have many true friends is because this is the ugly world in which we really live in.