Brilliant!Others will I'm sure disagree with me, and it really all comes down to perspective and personal definitions/beliefs, but here's mine:
You don't have to forgive them in order to make peace with your past. You don't have to forgive them in order to not focus on them anymore. You don't have to forgive them in order to move on.
I'm certainly not an expert in this, and it's something I struggle with too, but this is something a friend told me that really helped me. It's a metaphor from IT security:
Basically, Ring 0 is you. Your safety, your security. NO ONE gets in your level 0. Ring 1 is your absolute closest, your spouse, children, maybe. Ring 2 is other people/things that are closer...Rings 3, 4, 5 are moving further and further away from their impact on your life.
If you're struggling to move on from something, maybe it's because that something is too close to your ring 0. Your boundaries aren't strong and defined. It should not be there. Those people that hurt you, they need to be very far away from you. Stick them in ring 5, if you have to have them around at all. No where near the core "you" that they can hurt any longer.
Basically the whole point of this is, work on YOU. Your boundaries, your security. Focusing on forgiving them is still kind of focusing on THEM. Rather than saying "how can I forgive this person?", instead say "how can I protect myself?" and work on that. And when you feel yourself slipping, think about your ring 0. Are they in there? If so, get them OUT and if not, then they can't hurt you.
Protection ring - Wikipedia
Also, you may never forgive them. But you don't really need to. I haven't, and probably never will, forgive my dad for the things that he did - but I'm not thinking about it every day, and it's not something that plays a major role in my life (the trauma and maladaptive behaviors that I developed as a result are a different matter of course). I'm not angry about him...I don't care about him at all really. Haven't forgiven him, he's just not a part of my life anymore. And it took time to get to this point. It always takes time, people seem to expect you to rush the process but you really can't.
Forgiveness means letting go. Not saying 'it's ok i forgive you' but I'm done with you and moving on.
Not hating or hard hearted, more them.
In the present focussing on who and what you want in your life NOW.