Well-Known Member
(I'm not sure whether I'm aspie/autistic or not, but I feel I'm weird compared to other colleagues).
Sometimes at work or in the internet, there are some things I found inefficient, or just plain curious to know about it. So, I sometimes ask stupid questions or voice out blunt opinions, which might be perceived as "negativity" or "having attitudes".
But I'm just asking, or saying my opinion. Maybe there's better wording to my words, or I should've kept quiet. But also my job to take those seriously so that's why I'm asking/voicing out - heck why would I spend my energy to participate and think deeply about those.
Although not addressed to me, the leader even said, "Better leave than having attitudes because it's disrupting the organization" - something like that.
Is voicing out unconventional opinions bluntly considered as "having attitudes"? Sure, I could've word my questions/opinions better, but I dont automatically know how, it takes time, inefficient - why not people just go straight to the point, politely? Some people even being rude in response to my question - I didn't ask rudely even.
How you cope with this anger inside your heart, when feeling criticized like this (although they didn't actually criticize you)?
I know they didnt actually criticize me, but this makes me feel like an outcast when I'm doing my best to take these trivial tasks they've given me seriously.
I feel like I shouldn't have even participated, or just ignore these unimportant tasks. I know normal people wouldve handled it a lot easier.
But it's not like I can refuse because I feel like they will respond "everybody has even more and bigger responsibilities than your trivial worry". I know it's all just in my head, they dont even give a crap, which made me feel crappier..
Well, after working in low level positions in corporations, I have observed what gets people in trouble. You have to learn the office politics and not step on other peoples territory.
My husband would say, it's all in the delivery. If certain people are saying that you are having attitudes, then becareful of how you choose your words. Instead of saying this is wrong, then you would say, I think this would make things better. It takes practice, as I tend to spit it out unfiltered as well. I no longer work in corporations, so I don't have to worry about that anymore.