Does your obsession affect you in a negative way or positive way or even both?
I hate to leave the object of my obsession and is always very close when I'm on the computer. I don't want to go anyplace including the store because of it but I go out of necessity. This obsession as well as past obsessions has kept me out of trouble because I never wanted a relationship with the opposite sex, never wanted children and never had to deal with the problems that so many couples on the Autism Spectrum has to deal with. In fact my obsessions has always replace the human in my social life. The negative side of my obsession is I want to engage in it for real and sometimes give NTs a very hard time, even getting critical. However, I don't threaten or stalk others like some of those on the Spectrum has. So I guess I see more positives by far than negatives though the struggles have been great.
There are a few other Aspies who knows exactly what this obsession of mine is and I just consider it as just one of my many symptoms of Autism. Some of the things I don't like are catty remarks about my obsession. I know I have some very serious issues with my obsession, but hurtful remarks is the negative side as well.
I know I'm more severe than most Aspies and I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but people need to realize that intelligence and looks don't have anything to do with being on the Autism Spectrum, but those symptoms that are covered in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder. But, I don't like the DSM-V one because I think the only reason some things such as Aspergers were remove to have a reason to not pay benefits for those Aspies who truly can't support themselves and can't live by themselves, while many other Aspies are able to work if given the opportunity.
I hate to leave the object of my obsession and is always very close when I'm on the computer. I don't want to go anyplace including the store because of it but I go out of necessity. This obsession as well as past obsessions has kept me out of trouble because I never wanted a relationship with the opposite sex, never wanted children and never had to deal with the problems that so many couples on the Autism Spectrum has to deal with. In fact my obsessions has always replace the human in my social life. The negative side of my obsession is I want to engage in it for real and sometimes give NTs a very hard time, even getting critical. However, I don't threaten or stalk others like some of those on the Spectrum has. So I guess I see more positives by far than negatives though the struggles have been great.
There are a few other Aspies who knows exactly what this obsession of mine is and I just consider it as just one of my many symptoms of Autism. Some of the things I don't like are catty remarks about my obsession. I know I have some very serious issues with my obsession, but hurtful remarks is the negative side as well.
I know I'm more severe than most Aspies and I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but people need to realize that intelligence and looks don't have anything to do with being on the Autism Spectrum, but those symptoms that are covered in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder. But, I don't like the DSM-V one because I think the only reason some things such as Aspergers were remove to have a reason to not pay benefits for those Aspies who truly can't support themselves and can't live by themselves, while many other Aspies are able to work if given the opportunity.