I usually only write non fiction in places like this forum (apart from
here lol), but I always write really badly on my first attempt and have to read through what I've written correcting multiple mistakes including mixed up words and I also normally greatly improve what I've written. Often I have to do this multiple times to get everything right, but if I take my time the final product is usually pretty reasonable. Why not take your time writing short stories and read through, correct, Etc, then when you're satisfied try publishing them online at somewhere
like this at first and see what people think, you may even find that you get recognised enough to start submitting stories to more serious publishers. The worst that can happen is people don't like your stories which probably won't happen, but even if it did you've lost absolutely nothing and you've most likely enjoyed yourself writing them.
At the end of your post you stated, "I'm probably not doing this right. End.", but at the time of writing you've so far received 8 friendly ratings for your introduction which means you definitely did do something right, please try to have more confidence in yourself, you're doing well and I'm glad that you're here. You're also amongst a lot of like minded people here, a high proportion of members are somewhere on the autistic spectrum, while most of the remainder know someone who is autistic, E.g. family, partner or friends.
Anyway welcome to ASPIESCentral, a friendly and non judgemental community.