This was before I knew I was on the spectrum:
I didn’t know it but for many years I had learned to control my emotions with a meal every 4 hours. It could be a sandwich and a soda, without even stopping working, but I needed to eat a meal at exactly four hours or I would have a panic attack (meltdown). I even sought treatment for diabetes but my blood sugar was perfect. I also needed to be in bed on time and stick to plans made in advance, etc. But I didn’t know I was ASD.
Married, wife, kids, house, dogs, and it became absolutely impossible to keep anything on a schedule. So when my day was going as planned, I was good. But then my job required overtime, or my wife wanted to go to a new restaurant across town. My routine went from normal to being shattered from one minute to the next and I instantly went from ‘normal’ to either depressed or manic.
Those transitions from middle to high or low happened frequently, sometimes multiple times per day. I sought medical help to try and remedy the symptoms with medication and was diagnosed with “rapid-cycling bipolar 2 disorder”. I tried the medication but it just made me into a robot. About a year or two later I discovered I had ASD on my own and absolutely everything fit. This was 15-20 years ago, in my 30’s.
The moral here is that doctors can get it wrong and you really need to be your own advocate. I almost spent 20 years on a medication that was literally stealing my personality and I would have NEVER discovered I had autism. And my son was born a few months after I tried that medication, with Asperger’s also. If I had continued with my diagnosis of bipolar, he would have likely been misdiagnosed as well.