Your post touched me so. It brought tears to my eyes. I'm not crying, just watered up really good : ) It seems that you actually do understand where I'm coming from with this. Not that other's don't. And certainly not that their pain of not being understood is not important. We all have suffered from this apparently, even a lot of NT's suffer from feeling or being isolated as a human being.
I do believe you understand where I am coming from. You hit the nail on the head as they say. Bingo!
I so hope that my future opens up for me and brings more people into my life like you. I don't know what you have, see, perceive, how or what you believe, what your made of, but I can honestly say for the first time in my life... I relate, on a deep level.
My self acceptance, self care, and self love has rescued me from so much pain. I really do think the problem might be in my inability to communicate to others what exactly I am made of. I know what I want to say, what I am made of and how I feel, I am just at a loss to explain or express it, which then how can anyone understand me... But you heard me... Thank you!