Hi and welcome, I hope that you enjoy it here. Try Jessica Kingsley publishers for a range of relevant reading, including books about girls and women on the autistic spectrum, for example by Sandra Hendrickx, Rudi Simone and others. I self diagnosed after a lot of research and reading, plus having worked with young people with Aspergers and their families.
I was struck by the differences relating to gender presentation and socialisation, for example, all the clients I worked with were male, typically girls and women go under the radar, both due to the diagnostic criteria being predicated towards males, and due to effects of gender socialisation making us less visible, we are trained to internalise our distress, to act out less, and to be nice. Additionally girls and women receive training and socialisation towards social and communication skills that accommodate others.
The brain difference we have appears to be quite hereditable, so maybe you have a parent or other family members who seem to have high autistic traits or Aspergers?
There are plenty of interesting and useful threads here to view, and this is a friendly place.
Hi, thank you so much for the info and welcoming! I do have a cousin who was diagnosed with Aspergers, but everyone else in my family seems to be neurotypical.