I'm still unsure on my views on the fact that over 7 billion people, which is getting closer and closer to 8 billion, currently exist on this planet. While on one hand, I value human life and the usefulness of my fellow humans, I also value plant and animal life, and the usefulness that both plants and animals possess, but humans are constantly decreases several animal populations, and more and more plant and animal extinctions occur as the human population continues to increase exponentially.
Resources such as food, water, and shelter are getting more and more scarce, making it ever increasingly harder to fulfill every humans' needs, not to mention that the wealthy and powerful tend to horde it for their own, selfish gain, and refuses to disperse it evenly among their less better-off peers due to their own greed. This is evident in the wars going on in the Middle East. While the government claims it is out of anti-terrorist efforts, even those with average intelligence can tell that the wars are about countries competing over which petroleum company can maximize their profits the most. While I am saddened by the losses sustained and murders and atrocious deeds committed by both sides, I also see the up side of the wars causing there to be less people to take care of, however could that might make me seem talking about this.
This leads me to believe that such an event as the COVID-19 pandemic is a good thing. While many there have been many deaths because of it, and its survivors often left with severe, lifelong health issues, the decrease in human population that it has caused might be a good thing, as that is less mouths to feed and give water, and more shelter to give to survivors. Not to mention the deaths due to suicide and homicides rather than the virus itself during lockdowns, as the death toll of the pandemic only measures COVID-19 deaths. Again, that is less mouths to feed and give water, and less people taking up space.
While I am overall conflicted on my thoughts of human life existing on this planet on such a massive scale, I still see it as valuable. Maybe it is me being proud of being a member of a highly intelligent, highly advanced species, or simply the fact I care about other members of the human species? Who knows?
Edit: I should probably clarify that I do, indeed, look down on people who kill others outside of self-defense and military reasons.