I'm a 17-year-old senior in High School, and today in Psychology Class we we doing surveys all hour. We picked random questions answerable on a scale on 1-10 (ex. "How much do you like summer?"). Anyway, after filling in some charts and graphs--feeling really good all-the-while (I even told this super sweet girl she was beautiful; she seemed a little creeped out, of course, since I'm a creepy person, but it made me feel good to know that she know's she's beautiful)--we came to a question on our assignment that asked what could be improved in the survey to fit the general population. I said that a more diverse study sample would be a good start, as those participating in the survey were white, middle-class, of polish and German descent, from suburbia, and Midwestern (Michigan, to be specific). After writing that down and discussing those points with my group, a female Indian-American student told me that she was not white. I told her that she was an outlier--as, of course, is correct and completely non-offensive. She, as well as myself (as I am Latino), are both statistical outliers in our mostly white suburban community. She did not seem offended at all. I thought i noticed that people were giving me dirty looks after that comment, but I assumed that I was just being paranoid or that the class was showing its usual disdain towards me. About 20 minutes later, class had ended, and this person I thought was my friend told me that he would "beat my ass" (or something of that nature) if I had said that to him (at the time, I had no idea what he was talking about). A few seconds later, and the teacher was giving me an emotionally-charged speech about the "terribly offensive" thing I had said, and that three people had threatened to "do something" if I had said that offensive comment to them (to me, I assumed that meant that they wanted to break my bones and induce unconsciousness). Now, I'm not a very cool person: I'm boring, I'm annoying, I'm a terrible conversationalist, I'm unattractive, I'm not that funny (other then some shock-value comedy), I'm weird, and I'm pretty nerdy. The only thing I've got going for me is that I'm big, muscular, and tough. I don't let anyone, not anyone, mess with me. So, at this point, I was relying on my only asset--toughness. I called out the teacher (the student who had threatened me had already left the room), asking her to explain, in my words, "what the f--k" she was talking about, while puffing out my chest (at this point "fight-or-flight" was running wild)c She had made silly points aboutme "singling her (the girl I said the supposedly offense comment to) out" and making her feel like an outsider. I explained to the teacher that she was wrong, that I was ascribing the statistical concept of an outlier (a piece of data lying outside the normal distribution) to the girl I had made the comment to. The stubborn teacher proceeded to ignore what I had said, insisting that what I said was offense. I told her that her ignorance was offending me deeply, and we parted. Meanwhile, I clenched a sharp pen between my finger while making a fist, so that any punch on my part (in self-defense against ghost boys whom wanted to hurt me) would cause crippling damage that would ensure my safety and my "toughness", as well as sending a message to other provokers. Anyway, after coming home and discussing this with my mother, she said that I came off as threatening to the teacher, and that she (the teacher) did not deserve to be cursed at. I completely disagreed. However, I began to see her point about coming off as threatening to the teacher, and I began to be troubled by that prospect. What if I've been hurting people all this time at school by threatening them, and I don't even know? I'm certainly not trying to threaten anyone; I'm only trying to come off as tough and someone you don't want to mess with (which has generally succeeded). I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings; I just want to put up a barrier to protect myself from people's judgements, opinions, and disdain for me at school. If I'm not tough, I have nothing. I have no identity. I'm smart, but that's about it. Otherwise, I'm a fat, boring loser. I can't not be tough--it's all I've got! But, I might be hurting people, and I want everyone to be happy and precious! I don't know what to do about this situation at all. Tomorrow I have in-school suspension for cursing at the teacher, and I'll have time to think about what I've done, but I'm afraid that's maybe I'm the "bad guy" in this whole situation, and that there is something I can change about myself for the better. I don't know what to do; can someone please help me?