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I dislike my hair color/eye color

You can get color contacts pretty cheap if you want to change your eyes. I like my eye color. It reminds me of the ocean, that muted green blue. So l live near the ocean. Hair color can be changed easily. You can order contacts with no pprescription needed, and change your hair color by heading over to Walgreens or CVS. Sorry that you aren't happy with your natural self.
Blonde hair is such a rarity I wish I had.
There are ups and downs to everything. My siblings were blonde as kids and into their teens. My brother's hair is now as dark as mine always has been.

My sister inherited our maternal grandmother's hair, white blonde as a kid that stayed super fine, super thin and darkened to an average shade of light brown. My grandma has always perferred to wear a wig instead of constantly battling with her hair, (which she lost twice to two rounds of cancer.)

My own hair is still a decent brown, but it's thick, healthy, and easy.

Colouring systems are widely available, fairly affordable if one is looking for a change. Long term, I'm fine with what I have.
I have blue eyes , my hair was white blonde until I was 12 , then it was brown blonde until my 20s, since then it has become darker . I guess the next evolution is white hair for me ,I have always had red hairs appearing if I grow a beard, and also they like to appear in my goatee. But they have since turned white .

I am ok with white hair . I always felt that would be best for me.

My ancestors have been traced all the way back to the Vikings and Celtic women . So I guess I should thank them.But what people find attractive on other people and themselves is all subjective anyhow.

I have had people obsess over my eyes . Especially Asian , but that’s just because it’s different.

In America or Europe I am just another normal looking person. But best to be comfortable and enjoy what was passed down to us genetically. In my opinion
Colored contacts are an answer if you want different colored eyes.
I wouldn't change just to please other people though.
Mine are hazel-green with the copper circle around the pupils.
I'm fine with that.

I've had every hair color you can imagine because I was a model when I was younger.
So, I did do that to please others for the money.
I was born with black hair. Natural for my heritage of half native american.
Then it fell out as a baby and came back in reddish brown, turning to a dark brown by the age of seven.
My father was of Scottish descent with a bit of Cherokee.
That's where the greenish eyes and reddish- brown hair came from.
Mom was Cherokee and had thick beautiful black hair.
I did envy her hair. Mine didn't stay black and wasn't that thick.

Now I'm old enough that it is turning white.
Home hair color is easy if you use a semi-temporary color or in my case I use
dark henna since it's natural, easy and supposedly good for the hair.
Someday I'll let it go white. Not quite ready though.

So, yep, there are easy fixes for some things if you want.
I'm lucky enough to have a hair colour and eye colour I like but I do have many things I dislike as well.

They may seem like minor things to others but seeing something on your face that you're not happy with is very hard. As others have said the only way is temporary changes. Nothing permanent that I know of. Sorry to hear you have to deal with this.

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