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I do not feel human.

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At all. I really do not understand most humans in general. Everyday when i see humans, i feel like an observer that watches and observes animal behavior. I've interacted with people when the situation forced me to enough to figure people out within seconds by analyzing what they do and have a 70% of being correct about knowing what the people do and who they are that most of have their eyes open if i guess correctly.

I feel like an outsider (which i have no problem with and actually am glad that i am an outsider) who has the potential to use humans for his own experiments by merely observing them. I could have them all at my palm, if i wanted to i could manipulate them for my needs. But i strongly refuse and naturally do not want to do something like this because its the reason i dislike most humans and manipulating someone for one's own desires is disgusting in my own ethics code, and i take my ethics very seriously.

But does anyone else kind of feel this way? Feel as if you're observing humans and their behaviors?
I can relate in some ways. For me I consider myself an penguin and not human. There many things I am into that most humans are not into. Furthermore, I prefer the cold. I did camping in 0C before and enjoyed my self seeing frozen waterfalls in -20C.

I consider most human as zombies. Too many of them are a like and into the same things. Many of them are brainwashed by media. I don't fit in this category so I am a outsider. The penguin tries to find ways to enjoy life without people.
Back in high school I resisted the urge to provoke the entire classroom to release the Kraken. It was a daily struggle, it seemed so easy to make them behave the opposite of what they thought was the structure of their personalities.

Construct the right sentences, choose the proper terminology and you'll be their master.

My history teacher (suspected aspie with developed social skills) was the first and only one to notice how simple it was for me to increase student's responsiveness to any absurd request just by analyzing seemingly common traits such as voice tone, posture, attention span, gesticulations when communicating doubts, and body language for a mere 10 minutes. He only dared to say ''You're amazing'' when he witnessed me doing so with teachers as well. The only reason I loved that old man was because he couldn't be tamed. After that we became friends and he started teaching me philosophy in private (most third-world countries don't even address the subject and History class had turned too patriotic so I enjoyed our private discussions). We also encountered conflict very often because he had a tendency for exposing me when no one was watching; like the time he said ''You never make eye contact with me when you talk, but you do so with others. It's confusing because you seem to trust me more.'' and '' I can see why you're always wearing long sleeves even with this heat''.

He was such a drag some days, but at least my last two years of high school weren't so stressful; because even if I could talk my way out of things, it drained me every time having to constantly socialize to keep appearances and collect benefits.
Just a reminder that we do have many 'humans' who visit and read our posts. Please be mindful to keep conversations civilised.
A lot of times I feel like a bird perched on the side of a canyon. I'm not alone, there's lots of other onlookers and those flying or perching at different levels, but I feel most of society is down about enjoying dust baths, eating, and cackling with each other on the canyon floor. Sometimes I drop in for a quick visit, but most of the time I feel like I'm just on my perch watching them.
I couldn't agree more, as a teenager I did experiment with moving people around, as an adult I'm so overwhelmed by people I feel like there is no point in making friends. It is commonly disappointing when I reach out. I get so confused as to why people act the way they do.

It bugs me that people assume I'm a *****, maybe that's a female side to Asperger's; socially inept girl equals giant tool. Most of the time People tell me I say things in a sarcastic tone, this is amusing since I usually cry because I don't get that someone is being sarcastic and I interpret them as rude.
I spent almost all my time as a teenager/early twenties person observing and mimicking people because I felt it was the only way I could fit in. Now I don't want to fit in if it means being untrue to myself, although I still feel human, or maybe I'm a hybrid of human and something else, who knows?
I posted elsewhere that from a very early age I believed I was not from here. Like most here I spend a lot of time watching people and did conclude, in my twenties, that I was here to learn about them.
At all. I really do not understand most humans in general. Everyday when i see humans, i feel like an observer that watches and observes animal behavior. I've interacted with people when the situation forced me to enough to figure people out within seconds by analyzing what they do and have a 70% of being correct about knowing what the people do and who they are that most of have their eyes open if i guess correctly.

I feel like an outsider (which i have no problem with and actually am glad that i am an outsider) who has the potential to use humans for his own experiments by merely observing them. I could have them all at my palm, if i wanted to i could manipulate them for my needs. But i strongly refuse and naturally do not want to do something like this because its the reason i dislike most humans and manipulating someone for one's own desires is disgusting in my own ethics code, and i take my ethics very seriously.

But does anyone else kind of feel this way? Feel as if you're observing humans and their behaviors?

By "humans" are you meaning "NT's"?
I have felt this way since early age, and I do not believe it's an Asperger's thing. There're more people than I have ever though feel this way. I've started wondering why it happens, why people decide that they don't belong. Of course there's always a possibility of us actually being from somewhere else, one way or another :) I can never deny it, because, to me, it's irrational, if we haven't discovered something it doesn't mean it's not true :) I'm writing a book about it, btw, hope I'll finish it, even though sometimes I start losing hope... anyway, I also can't deny there may be plenty of theories why we feel this way. For instance early childhood trauma that make us dissociate ourselves from human race. Brain injury or atypical brain function. Or just belonging to a group of people with a prevalent intelligence of a certain type (if we go by a theory of different types of intelligence). What surprises me sometimes though that some people who feel that way believe that they are, indeed, from a different planet. They never question any other possibility. But then again any 100% assurance surprises me.
nurseangela Nope not just NT's. Its a broad range of people i see doing this. I really do feel like an outside observer. By humans i mean those who are shallow and barely know anything about the world. They are easily controlled by the media. They are nothing more than zombies who's life is meaningless and they are only used by corporations and media for money.

As epath13 this feeling is not exclusive to Aspergers/Autism since i have a NT friend who feels this way similarly and i suprisingly get along better with than some of the AS people who act like zombies in my College. So no its not just NT's because there are NT's who are quite intelligent, if not more intelligent than me who feel this way as well.
At all. I really do not understand most humans in general. Everyday when i see humans, i feel like an observer that watches and observes animal behavior.

Interesting, your use of the word 'human'.
I've always known I was different, it made sense to me that I was of a different species.. Homo Sapiens Autisticus or Aspergicus, maybe? I could never understand why I look like them, but they're not like me.. it's like living in 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers', when I was in my teens I was genuinely afraid that if I drew attention to myself I'd get the whole point-n-hiss thing.
I have felt this way since early age, and I do not believe it's an Asperger's thing. There're more people than I have ever though feel this way.

It is because there are less and less people being born in the world and more and more Sheeple. I don't think this is any thing to do with ASD either.

They don't want to use their brains, to assess facts and make opinions. They just want to be told what to think, what to do, what to believe.
They are becoming pliant & easy to control. They let the media and the Internet upload meaningless shite & drivel into their heads rather than to think.
It is because there are less and less people being born in the world and more and more Sheeple. I don't think this is any thing to do with ASD either.

They don't want to use their brains, to assess facts and make opinions. They just want to be told what to think, what to do, what to believe.
They are becoming pliant & easy to control. They let the media and the Internet upload meaningless shite & drivel into their heads rather than to think.
and this is why I'm not interested to be part of the masses
Exactly ! I am not or at least I try not to be one of the herd. Let the herd of lemmings (collective noun ?) run off the cliff if they want. I don't care.
So many people, often NT's are just brain dead. I'm not trying to say all NT's are stupid, they're not but there is a growing generation of morons, predominantly in the younger generation.
Exactly ! I am not or at least I try not to be one of the herd. Let the herd of lemmings (collective noun ?) run off the cliff if they want. I don't care.
So many people, often NT's are just brain dead. I'm not trying to say all NT's are stupid, they're not but there is a growing generation of morons, predominantly in the younger generation.
If you ever watched the cartoon Pinky and the Brain then I consider most people in the world as Pinky. Ok that was abit harsh but I think you got my idea.
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