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I do not feel human.

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It is because there are less and less people being born in the world and more and more Sheeple. I don't think this is any thing to do with ASD either.

They don't want to use their brains, to assess facts and make opinions. They just want to be told what to think, what to do, what to believe.
They are becoming pliant & easy to control. They let the media and the Internet upload meaningless shite & drivel into their heads rather than to think.

The advent of the media has marked the demise of human evolution, now we see devolution as humanity is driven into a reactive phase of pleasure/reward.

Perhaps we are alien, perhaps we are here to witness the enslavement of a species?

Afterall, the subjugation of 7 billion independently intelligent life forms must rank up there in the annals of 'Bad things to do'.
Could be..
Harrison54, do you mean enslavement by media/government?
Or by us, the new super-race? Homo Sap Vs Neanderthal all over again?
Well, I'm from Ork and as soon as I remember where I parked my egg I'm bloody well going back there.. this place is crazy! :p
Could be..
Harrison54, do you mean enslavement by media/government?
Or by us, the new super-race? Homo Sap Vs Neanderthal all over again?

I doubt any aspie would want to enslave anyone, we're too independent and value being so.

The rise of the military industrial complex has ensured slavery, including the slavery of every government.

Humanity no longer kills for principles, but for profit.
Has humanity ever killed for principals then? Self defence in a 1 on 1 fight maybe, but any two groups fighting is always for power/profit.. sorry don't mean to be pedantic ;)

No need to apologise, historically that may well be the case, that profit and power has been the driving force. However, history is written by the victor and always reflects their viewpoint.

I am half Tibetan, that half has been involved in a 'war' for many years, not just with the Chinese but with the British before that. To my knowledge they have never sort anything but freedom to live as they choose. This can be seen in other arenas too.

So whilst your conclusion is apparently true, it does have exceptions.
Yeah. Whatever you call them, I always feel like an outsider in their presence. Nuff said. :confused:
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