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I do not know who I am

Yes indeed. My family when I was very young had no idea how to deal with me. And I had sisters (two of them, twins) when I was a year and a half old. I was always told how lazy I am, and how I just need to apply myself, etc. And my mom was verbally abusive to everyone, not just the family. She's mellowed now, but not the point.
I don't really want to make money with cooking. That's really for me and my wife. Honestly, I'd rather not worry about money at all. My wife works for us both and my income would help a lot with finances, but I've never given a whit for it.
I remembered when I was ... I guess in my 20s? maybe 30s? I'm so bad with time. But I was a lot younger, and I've had a pretty interesting life. I wasn't always "just lost" I did take time on some fun stuff. I even had one group of friends (yes, group, like 6 people at one time) and that was ... just like heaven. Maybe I'll start a blog just for the fun of it (I tried making one to test it but messed up, this time I'll do better :) )
Anyway, my point is I was with some people I would visit sometimes in another state, and we started talking about personality archetypes. So basically, I was a Guardian more than anything else. My spirit will only fight to protect myself and mine. And quietly, not out in the open.
I'll meditate on this, it has been a long time since I really thought about it seriously.

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