Unless you have a literal alcohol intolerance, you were an alcoholic, you don't like alcohol or you're religious, why such hostility?
I guarantee you there will be something you like. Your orange juice has alcohol in it. Not much, but some. It's natural alcohol.
Don't just think cheap and nasty spirits and poor mass-produced lagers, think fruit beers, ciders and perries, golden ales, stouts and porters and Belgian beers, the most amazing of them can be a religious experience.
What films have you seen that you didn't like? I know that this is a nosy question so you needn't answer.
Forget about the people. Think about the way you think about life. What do you want? Go from there. A lot of it's fights about personalities but it's really all to do with achieving the right result. Think ideas. Read in simple language and you'll come to figure it out. Wiki will help.
To answer the questions:
1, the alcohol: I dont drink this because I see it as one thing: basically, a "potion of stupidity". It has no benefits. It slows you down, reduces coordination, makes you more gullible, makes you more likely to make a damn idiot of yourself, and can even ruin not just your life, but even the lives of those around you. Or, in the case of drunk driving, can outright end them. Alot of people seem to drink because it's somehow "social", which I find baffling. I'm not going to "impress" someone by making a total moron of myself. AND, on top of that, it has cumulative negative effects, because of course it does. Addiction and things like ruining your liver (my uncle got hit with that one, and it was baaaaad... and he wasnt a heavy drinker either). There's no reason whatsoever for me to touch the stuff (and no, I dont drink orange juice). But there's about 5 bazillion reasons to avoid it. And lastly, I dont even like being around people that have had any, because I"ve had waaaaayyyyyy too many seriously irritating and problematic experiences with that. My mother and stepfather used to drink a bit too much, and tended to display all of the most annoying symptoms of drunkenness. They only finally stopped after a little incident in the driveway, where I finally snapped and outright shrieked at them at max volume about it. AKA, the neighbors could hear the whole thing (which was the point). The drinking IMMEDIATELY stopped... and they've been soooooooo much better as a result.
And really I have things I drink that dont need that crap. I drink ALOT of milk and also try to drink alot of water because hydration is important.
2, the movies: ehhhh, it's not a matter of not liking any specific movies. In fact, it's not a problem with the movies themselves. It's that I have zero patience. Movies are LONG. Well, long by my standards anyway. And as they are not something interactive, my attention soon wanders. I have the sort of mind that is constantly spinning at high speed, never slowing down, so a great many things are long or slow by my perception. And they're the sort of thing where you cant really stop in the middle of one and come back later... it ruins the experience. They're just not meant for that. So I just read books instead (which I can do very quickly, and in small doses rather than huge chunks). So yeah, it's my issue, not an issue with the movies themselves. I understand why so many people like them. I just have no interest or patience.
3. Politics: This one is the worst of all of them for me... it's not even a contest. There's a couple of specific reasons. 1, the toxicity. And yes, I use that word to describe it. Politics brings out the worst in people. Even friendly, pleasant people can be reduced into a screaming, frothing mess over this, and I seriously dont even want to know just how many times I've witnessed this. It's all arguements and yelling and insults. Hell, even the damn political ads! Ever notice how political ads DONT focus on what the candidate can do for you (most of the time), but instead focus on what sucks about the OTHER guy? These people are spending BIG MONEY to throw INSULTS around! Talk about childish! And these fools are RUNNING things? What I HAVE noticed about politics also... the sort of info that I'm unable to avoid even if I try (because some people in my life never shut up about it, so I WILL hear details whether I want to or not, and those people ALWAYS have political stuff on TV, which is the only reason I see the damn ads)... is that there is no "good" choice. You can vote for one greedy and corrupted asshat, or you can vote for a different asshat who is just as bad, but in a different way. Gee golly, which should I pick? So I dont bother, and quickly stopped giving a fart. These days, I just outright leave whenever political discussions start. I have a very short fuse, so... yeah. That's the best option. Yelling at people to change subjects doesnt accomplish anything.
On top of that, I have certain immediate family members who are VERY political. Like, they get involved in everything. And it's NOT a positive thing for them. It's very negative, because of course it is. It leads to lots of anger and even ruined/damaged relationships between them and others. Hell, I remember both my mom & stepfather spending like 10 straight minutes insulting my uncle behind his back, because he picked the "wrong" choice in some damn stupid election. And this sort of thing isnt an exception: It's the NORM, when it comes to taking part in politics. To me, it's like a bunch of angry toddlers shouting at each other on the playground. I've seen enough of that in my time. I dont need more.
AND. On top of that. I've noticed that politics doesnt revolve around the issues: It revolves around tribalism (look it up if you dont know what that is... it can be a very interesting read). By far the vast majority of people dont REALLY think about the issues when it comes to voting. They choose STRICTLY based on what political party they're affiliated with. Tribalism is unfortunately one of our deepest instincts/tendancies, and it causes ALOT of problems... and this is one of them. This is one of those aspects where you dont need to actually know much in the way of details about politics to spot it. Just watch the behavior of people engaging in it, and listen to some of the things they say. It's usually VERY blatant... but few people ever actually spot it. A fascinating phenomenon, really, but also a depressing one.
I recognize that alot of people wont agree with me on these things. But frankly, I dont care. I've always been the sort to just do whatever, no matter what. Or, in this case, simply ignore things I hate, even if that causes people to dislike me. And these opinions/thoughts/whatever are ones that have formed over probably 20 years of pondering them.
However, if someone has a different view than myself, I'm not going to belittle them or think less of them (even if I'm sometimes driven to rage over how someone is acting). Everyone is different, and can have different interests and beliefs, and that's fine by me. Doesnt make me like them any less. I just dont share those common thoughts when it comes to these three things. And to be totally honest, prefer not to discuss this in most situations. It usually leads to trouble while accomplishing next to nothing.
Kudos to you if you read this far. Alot of people wouldnt. I do apologize for the long post, I'm very bad at making things concise and short. I do hope none of this sounded insulting or anything... it isnt meant to. But as I'm a very negative individual (there's a reason I use the name "Misery") sometimes I can appear that way to people. I apologize if that is the case.
That's enough out of me for now. I now return this topic to it's regularly scheduled... whatever.