All of the ads on this website are extremely intrusive. It wouldn't be so bad if it was one ad, but there are numerous ads per page.
The ads on this website directly trigger my ASD and make it harder for me to function (socialize with others here). On a website regarding any other topic I would simply never visit this website again. However because this website is specifically for autistic people, I feel like we are being taken advantage of.
I realize that running websites costs a bit of money. However I know it is a very small amount of money. Even though I barely survive on a disability pension, I would pay a very small amount of money to remove the ads (because webhosting is so cheap.), but not $10/yr.
Sure, I can cut $10/yr out of my "below minimum wage" budget, but because I feel attacked, and I know how much I'm being overcharged, I do not want to do so.
For reference: I run my own webserver out of my office, it costs me about $2/mo. in electricity usage.