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I feel like it's time for me to lay down and give up on everything


Things keep getting worse and worse for me. I can't get through to my mother, and get her to understand anything. in 2024, she's been worse than ever before. If you read this, and you don't know what I mean by some of the things that I say, you can look at other threads I've posted, by clicking on my user name and looking for the threads I've posted.

I feel like I'm absolutely nothing to everyone in this world. I've waited decades, literally decades, to be able to do things that most people get to do so routinely and commonly. I was denied having any teenage years to speak of -- girls always hated me, and ignored me, except for just one, and she treated me like garbage.

I never got to do anything that teenagers get to do so routinely -- I never got any opportunities to date like everyone else got to, or go to any dances such as a prom, or anything else that's so common to teenagers. I was the one who was always invisible to everyone, except to those who wanted someone to bully.

I was denied a teenage life, and now, for such a long, long time, I've been denied an adult life. No woman seems to want to give me a chance. I have a hard time making friends, even though I'm nice to people, which is what's in my nature. To this day, I'm still a virgin, and that makes me feel like I'm as ugly as the back end of a baboon.

One of my absolute biggest fears is being alone. I recently read that a new study has uncovered an alarming consequence of chronic loneliness -- you can be up to 56% more likely to have a stroke. Loneliness is also linked to other issues, such as heart disease and dementia. I texted my mother a link to that story, and not even that seemed to move her enough to understand more.

I've been denied so many things in life that happen so commonly for most other people. And tonight, my mother told me that I haven't been denied anything at all, and that if I have, then I'm the one who denied myself those things. How callous can a mother get? It's like she thinks that how people have treated me couldn't have affected me.

She's always pointing the finger back at me, and always saying things that completely invalidate what I'm feeling, even if there are times when she might not realize the effect of what she's saying.

She's said some truly toxic, truly nasty things before during arguments. She has even said twice before that I wished that she was the one who passed away instead of my father. Try to imagine how much pain that caused when she said it. Both times, it drove me to tears. She apologized both times, but she's never really been able to regulate her emotions very well.

I hope that revealing this bit of information doesn't get me kicked off of here, but I live in a part of Bay County, Florida that's too far away from any support for those on the autism spectrum.

The nearest support of any type is around an hour away, and my mother is not willing to drive that far. That's one of the ways in which she limits me. She knows how to drive, and I don't. I'd love to learn how to drive. I know someone on the spectrum who drives, and he's doing okay with it.

Mom seems to even be trying to steer me away from my dreams. She repeatedly tells me that sometimes, you have to change your dreams, even if it means not doing what your deepest passion is. I know that her parents stopped her dream of being a fashion designer from happening by telling her that she was a mistake, and that they didn't want her going to college.

Most of the time, no matter what I say, Mom accuses me of digging at her, and pushing her. She acts like her nerves are shot 24 hours a day, and she makes me feel like I can't say anything to her without her escalating. Mom is losing patience because she thinks my depression should've been close to gone by now. She's never exactly been the patient type.

She quickly escalates if I'm even 30 seconds late getting to an appointment of any kind, no matter what the circumstances are. Mom likes to be as punctual as the military. In fact, there are times when she yells at me like I'm in the military.

She's hardly ever been the understanding type. She has a habit of jumping to the most convenient, even wrong, conclusion about everything. She was never above getting physical with me when I was a kid, at least until I was around 8-years-old. Occasionally, she would use a switch or a belt, but mostly leave a red hand print on my leg.

Years later, I learned why she was that way back then. The abuse that her parents and her older brother inflicted on her turned her into a hardened-up hard case (I don't think, on here, I can use the more common term for it that starts with the word hard, and ends with a word that starts with the letter A, though I've spoken that word plenty of times before.)

She's always found it hard to listen to me. I wonder if she always wants to be right? When I stand up for myself, she sometimes calls me a bully, which I hate, because I was bullied in school. She's accused me before of being things that I'm not.

The saying "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is not true. Words hurt just as much as the sticks and stones do, maybe even more sometimes.

Metaphorically speaking, I've had so many daggers shoved into my heart in my lifetime that I could make a trauma surgeon as rich as Jeff Bezos is. There's been so much pain and misery in my life. There's been so much suffering. My body is acting like it can't take it anymore -- things such as weird, almost dizzy, spells in my head, and my stomach not feeling right. The depression has started taking a toll on my health, and I can't get Mom or hardly any doctor to listen to me, so why advocate for myself?

In my life, I've seen doctors before who'd suspect your sinuses of bothering you if your left big toe was a lovely shade of lavender. Sometimes, I think a second opinion might be needed for some things.

Also, I wonder if Mom might be trying to protect herself from hearing anything bad about my health, especially since I spent from 2021 to 2023 scared out of my mind that I might have prostate cancer, until a scan showed no cancer. Mom was tone deaf about my fear of it. At one point, I even told her that if she had a prostate, then she might understand.

Also, my gall bladder has polyps in it -- I found that out during an ultrasound about five years ago. I feel like trying to get myself another ultrasound on it would be as difficult as trying to convince a sailor to stay away from women -- I'd have to go through Mom to get the ultrasound done. At my age, I shouldn't have to get mommy's permission to have a life, or permission for anything else.

I can't get women to notice me, no matter how friendly I am. You know the song by Foreigner, "I want to know what love is"? "I want to know what love is, I want you to show me." I truly, honestly want to know what love is, but no woman on this earth wants to give me that chance, and show me. People say it's a wonderful feeling, but there's no way I'd know. I probably never will.

Mom tells me that people won't want to be near me if I look depressed. She makes it sound like people are callously punishing me for my depression by staying way from me, instead of understanding, and maybe, just maybe, taking a chance on helping me find happiness.

I can't get out of this depression feeling like I'll forever be alone. My self-esteem is shot in a lot of ways, and I'm not confident with many things. This is the lowest I've ever felt in my life.

My mother is so excruciatingly stubborn that I sometimes feel like the only way to get through to her is to do something to myself. A lot of times, I wonder if that's the only way to get anyone to understand me. I feel like I live in a world that's so toxic, intolerant, and uncaring.

I feel like I'm alone in the world. I feel like no one cares. I feel like I'll never find out what love feels like, because women seem too heartless to give a guy like me a chance. I would treat a woman with respect. I would see us as two equals, as a team. In my opinion, women should be treated with respect, and never be hurt. I love women. They just don't love me.

My mother keeps using the fact that I'm on the autism spectrum as an excuse for everything that's happened to me, and for why good things haven't been happening for me. There's no excuse for treating an autistic person, or anyone for that matter, like garbage.

She has basically told me that she wants me to accomplish what I want to do with my life, with as little help as humanly possible. I've never asked anyone to do anything for me, but that seems to be what Mom thinks help is. A little helping hand does not mean that someone is doing something for me.

Mom has shielded me from pretty much everything I could've done in life. She claims that she's "protecting" me. Does she think that protecting me means hindering me? She has not been good for my mental health -- it's like she's been trying hard to take away my sanity, as if all the suffering in my life hasn't already taken a toll on me.

Maybe it's time for me to give up on everything. Maybe if I did something to myself, or just disappeared and never showed my face again, everyone on this planet would be happy. I feel like I have no place in this world, and no place in any woman's heart -- I feel like they all think I'm too ugly for them.

I'm out of town in Kentucky right now, so when I get back to Bay County, in Florida on Saturday night, it's likely that something drastic will happen, likely in the form of me finding some way to disappear from everyone's lives.

I wonder if even anything drastic like that would be enough to get people to straighten up and be more understanding, instead of letting impatience, and sometimes outright anger, mostly on Mom's part, rule the day? I don't know if this will be my last thread here. That remains to be seen.
Maybe it's time for me to give up on everything. Maybe if I did something to myself, or just disappeared and never showed my face again, everyone on this planet would be happy.

Dont do that. That never solves anything.

First off, I want to say, your feelings are valid, and dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. And I agree with the sticks & stones bit... I get why the saying exists, but it's dead wrong. I wish people would stop using that stupid phrase.

Words can hurt, and it's hard to get that idea through to anyone that has yet to be stabbed in the heart by the words of others.

But ya know what... you've been fighting the depression and all that stuff for as long as you have, and that's no easy battle. You are stronger than you think you are. Dont give up now. It's no easy war to win, but it's one worth fighting.

As for finding friends... yeah, I can sympathize with that one. But, you know... if you want to make friends, you could start right here. Making friends IRL is... tough. For many of us on the spectrum. Myself included. Dealing with new people can be scary and difficult! But you can absolutely find true friends online. There's some people I've known for like a decade, met online originally, and eventually, got to meet them in person, too. The internet can be a snot sometimes... but it can also be a great way to meet others, if you find the right places to go. And I tell ya, this forum is good for that. It's a nice place, and people here will be very supportive of you.

I feel like no one cares.

Well, for what it's worth, I care.

I'm sure others here do too.
I care, too. Will your mother let you see a doctor about getting some medication for depression? I think it would help you.

I feel this on a deep level and can relate to alot of it. I hope you can find better days ahead and see the light once more. You are not as hated as you feel. But I know it's hard to see, when you are in immeasurable pain.

But rest assured. You are cared for.
I myself decided to "disappear", as much as it is possible to in our hyperconnected society. You might find inspiration in those who have also disappeared. Christopher McCandless walked into the wild to find himself away from humanity. He starved to death, but the principle is still admirable. Men have gone into jungles and forests to live closer to their gods for untold millenia. The Sadhu of India wander the land, having renounced the temptations of earthly lucre. Buddha sat under a tree and refused to move until he realized that desire for materialism is the source of suffering. Yeshua Christos (Jesus) prayed in Gethsemane before he was dragged to Jerusalem and executed. Today, the "loner" is mocked and feared, stereotyped as insane and violent by those who live in prisons of "friends" and "success" built on debt. No man dares wonder who is the true failure of such a society.
Follow Dido
on Bandsintown
"Life For Rent"

I haven't ever really found a place that I call home
I never stick around quite long enough to make it
I apologize that once again I'm not in love
But it's not as if I mind that your heart ain't exactly breaking
It's just a thought, only a thought

But if my life is for rent
And I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine

I've always thought that I would love to live by the sea
To travel the world alone and live more simply
I have no idea what's happened to that dream
'Cause there's really nothing left here to stop me
It's just a thought, only a thought

If my life is for rent
And I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine
If my life is for rent
And I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine

While my heart is a shield and I won't let it down
While I am so afraid to fail so I won't even try
Well, how can I say I'm alive?

If my life is for rent
And I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine
If my life is for rent
And I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine

'Cause nothing I have is truly mine
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine
'Cause nothing I have is truly mine


Have you ever run away from home? I know it's dangerous but like as an adventure? Maybe planned an interview or place to go, stuff to do, left Mom a note.

Argue return from adventure and guardian angel had protected you,
What was your all round experience like?
Hi, I am so sorry you are going through this. Thank you for sharing your emotions. I wish I had words of comfort for you. But I am praying for you and caring about you.
The internet can be a snot sometimes... but it can also be a great way to meet others, if you find the right places to go.

Well, for what it's worth, I care.

I'm sure others here do too.

Thank you so much for caring. At the time when I typed my post, I felt so horrible about myself and the things going on with me. I don't ever want to feel that way, nor do I wish it upon anyone else.

When it comes to meeting people online, I feel like I never know which way it'll go. There are times when my mother says something that makes sense. She told me before that I won't know which way it'll go if I don't try it.

As for the things she says that frustrate and/or hurt me, it's usually in the heat of anger. She has the kind of temper where, if she gets angry enough, it's like she doesn't care what she says, like she's blinded by the anger, and has lost control over what she says. She always apologizes, but then it happens again, like rinse and repeat.

I do talk to a therapist, twice a week, about my depression, and she wants to help me, but Mom's behavior throws a wrench into those efforts sometimes, becoming a setback.

Mom keeps telling me that she loves me, and that she doesn't intend to hurt me, but it happens every time an argument leads to escalation and anger. I hate arguments, because when I was a kid, it scared me every time my parents had a loud argument. I've tried to do better with things than I ever have before, and I have asked Mom if my autism annoys her. She tells me that it doesn't. I hope things get better.
I care, too. Will your mother let you see a doctor about getting some medication for depression? I think it would help you.
She has wondered if I need to go back on it. The last time I was on an anti-depressant, it screwed with my head in ways that I do not want it to again. I don't know why it did that.
I feel this on a deep level and can relate to alot of it. I hope you can find better days ahead and see the light once more. You are not as hated as you feel. But I know it's hard to see, when you are in immeasurable pain.

But rest assured. You are cared for.
Thank you. I hope there is light at the end of the dark tunnel that I've spent so much time walking in.
When it comes to meeting people online, I feel like I never know which way it'll go.

That's how it is for meeting people offline too, though.

Online or off, you cant know where it's going to go until you meet them, yeah? Certainly worth a shot.
Have you ever run away from home? I know it's dangerous but like as an adventure? Maybe planned an interview or place to go, stuff to do, left Mom a note.

Argue return from adventure and guardian angel had protected you,
What was your all round experience like?
I've never run away from home before, but I have thought about living in a different place before. There are things I would have to learn in order to do that. When I was in school, I had teachers who said that they thought I was a fast learner. That made me wonder if I was.

I read the lyrics in your post. I've actually heard a couple of songs bi Dido before. I listen to a wide variety of different types of music, but more often than not, I listen to different forms of rock music. My favorite band is Van Halen. I write lyrics a lot, and try to come up with music for them on my guitar, which I've been learning to play. music is my deepest passion, and when I was 10-years-old, I found out that I can sing.

That same year, I wrote some lyrics for the first time. They sounded like something that a 10-year-old would write, but the music that I had in mind sounded like something that Ratt would come up with. The bigger my vocabulary got, the more my style of writing lyrics evolved. Some of the lines I come up with today sound like lines that a band like Dream Theater would come up with. Over the years, I've written enough lyrics for more than 40 songs. One of them is called "Sunset," which is about hoping that the sun hasn't set on your dreams.

In my lyrics, I have a tendency to use a lot of metaphors, and you might have noticed that I used some metaphors and descriptions in my post that might be seen as being humorous. Sometimes, I don't really intend to be funny, but it seems to be a habit for humorous phrases to come out of me sometimes. Over the years, I've developed a sense of humor, and even my mother has told me that she thinks I've come up with some zingers before. I have more ideas for lyrics that I'm going to write. Sometimes it pours out of me almost faster than I can put the lyrics down, and sometimes, I have to think on it.

I'm considering writing one about how I feel like I could've been a better friend to someone I knew in 6th grade. We were both 12-years-old when he passed away from a severe asthma attack. We were both bullied in school. Not only did I feel the sadness of the loss, but I also felt fear. I was terrified that something would happen to me too. At the time, I wondered if that was normal in that kind of situation.

I'm grateful that everyone who posted in this thread has been so caring. I hope things get better than they have been.
This almost sounds like what my ex-boyfriend (he has autism, too) constantly goes through with his mom and brother on a daily basis.

Even though I live with a good and caring family, I understand how you feel. Lately I've been giving up on everything due to having autism. I gave up on hoping to live on my own with my boyfriend, but we broke up last year. I gave up on having friends because they never work out in the end for me. Nowadays I've been trying to cope by going through my childhood memories while also playing video games or read a book. My mom and older brother support me well, but I still feel like this almost every day.

Your story really touched me. Part of why I joined this forum is because I wanted to hang out with other people on the spectrum. I feel pretty lonely sometimes, so it's part of why I came here.

I really hope you'll feel better about yourself and don't talk yourself down too much. I'm like that myself on very bad days, but it'll get better hopefully.
A planned run away, or needing to be less reliant on Mom.
I stopped blaming my parents a lot more when I became a parent myself, but you young and you'll figure it out, probably faster if you
Get out the house more, otherwise you'll be here past 30 asking how do I meet a girl.
Gave tough love
Thank you so much for caring. At the time when I typed my post, I felt so horrible about myself and the things going on with me. I don't ever want to feel that way, nor do I wish it upon anyone else.

When it comes to meeting people online, I feel like I never know which way it'll go. There are times when my mother says something that makes sense. She told me before that I won't know which way it'll go if I don't try it.

As for the things she says that frustrate and/or hurt me, it's usually in the heat of anger. She has the kind of temper where, if she gets angry enough, it's like she doesn't care what she says, like she's blinded by the anger, and has lost control over what she says. She always apologizes, but then it happens again, like rinse and repeat.

I do talk to a therapist, twice a week, about my depression, and she wants to help me, but Mom's behavior throws a wrench into those efforts sometimes, becoming a setback.

Mom keeps telling me that she loves me, and that she doesn't intend to hurt me, but it happens every time an argument leads to escalation and anger. I hate arguments, because when I was a kid, it scared me every time my parents had a loud argument. I've tried to do better with things than I ever have before, and I have asked Mom if my autism annoys her. She tells me that it doesn't. I hope things get better.
Your mother sounds a lot like mine.
When I was 2-ish years old she told me that I was born to look after her when she got old. When I was older and going through clinical depression she told me not to cry near her because "it hurt her".

I've come to realise that my mother had some very clear narcissistic traits.
I don't think she realised just how much harm she did, she really thought she was a good mother. But she wasn't.

So many of the "good things" she trained me to think of as good were in reality pure manipulation and thought control against me.
I only started to see the truth when I was 24, but there wasn't much I felt capable of doing. So I stayed with her till I was 48, when she passed away.

I'm so sorry that you have to go through all this suffering.
I'll be praying for you.
Your are having some very difficult and intense feelings, @jtab7800 and it makes sense that ideas of not even being alive to feel these terrible things come into your head.

I have benefited from talking about the idea that we are all going to die one day and it just may be worth it to stick it out and keep trying until that day arrives. I know it can feel grueling and like things will never change, but there are many cases where things do change. Quite a few people, right here on this forum (myself included), were once in a place of not even wanting to live anymore, and yet here we are - still showing up to face the challenges of each day and supporting each other as we go.

You talk about being denied quite a few things and this suggests that there is a lack of agency in your life - perhaps you do not feel like you are in control and that you cannot make changes happen. This could be something to focus your efforts on - building your sense of autonomy and a feeling that you have control over your own life. Based on what you've described about your mother and your home life, it makes sense that you may not feel that you have personal agency.

I live in a part of Bay County, Florida that's too far away from any support for those on the autism spectrum.
This seems like a good time to tap into online resources. While finding in person support is important, if that is currently an impossibility, you could get creative with ways to find and utilize support online.

Is there any hope that you could move out of your mother's house? It sounds like living with her as an adult may be a major source of your current problems.
Quite a few people, right here on this forum (myself included), were once in a place of not even wanting to live anymore, and yet here we are - still showing up to face the challenges of each day and supporting each other as we go.

You talk about being denied quite a few things and this suggests that there is a lack of agency in your life - perhaps you do not feel like you are in control and that you cannot make changes happen.

This seems like a good time to tap into online resources. While finding in person support is important, if that is currently an impossibility, you could get creative with ways to find and utilize support online.

Is there any hope that you could move out of your mother's house? It sounds like living with her as an adult may be a major source of your current problems.
Come to think of it, I think I do feel like I'm not in control, and that I can't make changes happen. I'm not sure what online resources you might be talking about. I wish I could get creative with ways to find and utilize support online. I've searched before, and have had a hard time finding much. Maybe I'm not searching in the right places?

When it comes to living with my mother, she'll be 68 this year, and it's always been difficult to to some of the things that need to be done to help my younger brother, who, for his entire life, has been paralyzed from the waist down. That's the result of spina bifida, which he was born with.

He weighs enough to where Mom and I both have back problems that might be the result of some of the ways that we have to help him, such as helping him get in and out of bed, to and from his wheelchair. She wouldn't be able to take care of him without help, and I'm not sure if we have enough money to hire someone for that.

It's not that I actually don't want to live anymore. I just want my life to be better than it has been. I feel like Dad's passing 15 years ago deeply affected Mom, my brother, and me. He was only 60-years-old. Before I was born, he served in the Army, in the Vietnam War. He didn't want to serve in a war, but they had the draft back then, and he was drafted. He and so many other people on both sides of the war in Vietnam got sprayed with an extremely dangerous herbicide called Agent Orange, which was sprayed on the orders of the U.S. military brass, in order to kill plant life so enemy soldiers wouldn't have the advantage of hiding in the jungle. The war left him with PTSD, and he had a lot of nightmares. By the time Dad passed away, he had six 100% service-connected illnesses/disabilities, a lot of it because of Agent Orange. I felt so angry that the brass did that to him and so many other people.

The last thing that he ever said to my brother and I was "I love you." He mouthed the words, because he couldn't use his voice -- he had a tracheotomy tube in his throat. On the next day, we lost him. My cousin had to hold me up when I broke down in tears. He held me while I let it all out. And I was the one who had to tell my brother what happened. Mom was at the hospital at the time. She had been visiting Dad when he passed away, and the hospital wanted her to stay a little longer, and start making arrangements. That's why she had no choice but to tell me over the phone about Dad's passing. She was in tears too. I wished I could've hugged him just one more time before he went.

My brother and I have always been close...during our childhood, for the most part, we were all we had, since we hardly ever had any friends. When I was around 7 or 8-years-old, I had a friend with Down Syndrome, and even though he had a speech impediment, I learned how to be able to tell what he was saying. I've never forgotten him.

After my favorite guitarist, Eddie Van Halen, passed away, I learned that, in a way, he and I had something in common. When he and his brother, Alex Van Halen, came to the USA from the Netherlands when they were kids in the 1960s, all they had was each other. They didn't speak English at first, they got viciously bullied, and they became closer than ever to each other. The difference was that they made more friends during childhood than my brother and I ever made

For my brother and I, most of our childhood was in the 1980s. Even back then, I started noticing things that I know how to do, and a lot of that was by accident, and it took me by surprise. When I found out that I can sing, it took me by surprise. I thought, "Did that come out of me?"

My Dad wrote down the lyrics to a song that he liked, and had me sing it back to him on night. I did, and he thought that was pretty cool. That song was "Still in Saigon" by the Charlie Daniels Band. That was a song that meant something to Dad, because it's about a man who was drafted and sent to Vietnam, and came back home a lot different than he was before he was sent to Vietnam. That was one of the more guitar-driven songs that the Charlie Daniels Band did. The lyrics were written not by Charlie Daniels, but by a man who had relatives who served in the war.

Dad did tell us about something that happened in Vietnam, not long after he got to Vietnam. He was mopping the floor in a mess hall, and a commanding officer was closing in on walking past him. Dad was nervous about being in a war zone, and he got even more nervous when he saw the CO. As the CO walked by, Dad was so nervous that instead of saluting, he did the "present arms" with the mop -- the mop held with both hands, at chest level, with the mop end up. I couldn't help but laugh when I pictured what that looked like.

Among the pictures of him that we have, we have one of him in uniform, having the rank of sergeant, standing in what looks like a muddy area. He had become a sergeant on a boat on the Mekong River. That's what comes to my mind every time I hear "Boat on the River" by Styx.

I know I've mentioned different types of bands in my posts. I have a deep passion for music. I like a wide variety of different kinds of music, ranging from the 1960s until now. Music has always been therapeutical for me. It probably always will be.

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