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I guess people envy us!


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
In the space of this month, two different females are sure they have autism and note: not aspergers and yet, at least one has NEVER exhibited signs, but strangely enough, on talking with her and tallying up our traits, I felt a sort of pleasantness, with the possibility that she could be on the spectrum. Because, it is sure lonely in a world of neurotypicals.

The other lady is actually a lady I study the bible with ( she is the student) and she thinks her youngest daughter has aspergers and again, thinks she herself, might have autism and when I said: oh, you must mean: aspergers? Nope, she said: definitely autism.

My husband says I should respect their opinion; but I am unable to, since they have the wrong idea.
I envy NTs as well, so maybe the grass is just greener over there and life is pain for all of us. Although I like the idea of drawing a line where NT ends and ND begins, it's really just going to become blurrier over time like everything else. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, and can really single people (or worse - groups of people) out if we reject it, so I guess it's just something we'll have to learn to contend with.

Will it minimize our struggles? Yes, but I guess we're all used to that at this point anyway
I don't have an official diagnosis, I had a psychologist tell me that I exhibit autistic traits, we did a screening test and I scored well into the autistic range (I have the results somewhere). Psychologists can not diagnose adults though, and I've been told to consider if I really need a diagnosis or not. It takes around 2 years (and up to 5 in some cases) for an appointment in an autism competence center. I gave up on it.
So I honestly don't know whether I'm on the spectrum or not. I know my differences, I'm not entirely happy about them, but I don't talk about the possibility of being autistic with people irl.
I feel like autism is inhibiting and not a cool label to slap on.
So I honestly don't get why people want to be autistic.
People want to feel special and belong, I believe people who proclaim to be autistic are really desperate though and seek confirmation/ attention from others.
At least that's what I read into it.
While most NT people seem to find comfort and safety in being "normal" or "typical", quite a few people have a desire to be unique, different, etc. Among those people, having a desire to identify as autistic is synonymous with their desire to be unique.

There are apparently even some people who are NT but identify as "trans-autistic".
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I don't have an official diagnosis, I had a psychologist tell me that I exhibit autistic traits, we did a screening test and I scored well into the autistic range (I have the results somewhere). Psychologists can not diagnose adults though, and I've been told to consider if I really need a diagnosis or not. It takes around 2 years (and up to 5 in some cases) for an appointment in an autism competence center. I gave up on it.
I don´t know where you have your informations from, but I also live in germany and your informations are wrong. (so far I know)

every therapist (psychology studies 3 years + 2 years additional education as a therapist (called: "psychologischer Psychotherapeut") can make an autism diagnosis. it´s not necessary that he/she is an autism specialist and you don´t need to go to an autism competence center, if you need a therapy or diagnosis. you can, but you don´t have to.

maybe some therapists have no knowdlege about autism and don´t feel secure to make a diagnosis, but theoretically/judicial they can make a diagnosis, so far I know.

I wrote another post here in this forum where I explained that as an autist you have 2 possibilities (therapy and diagnosis). normal behavorial therapy and autism therapy.

your posts make the impression that there would be only one way for an autist, but so far I know that´s not true.

maybe you mean psychologists, which only studied 3 years, but without an additional education. these psychologists are no therapists and can not do a therapy or diagnosis. but that has nothing to do with autism, it is so in general.

it seems like you not read my last post about this topic.

maybe some people have me on the ignore list and can not see my posts or just don´t care about my posts, don´t know. their problem, not mine.

so when you ever go to germany and want to make a therapy/diagnosis there, you are informed now. (but without guarantee)
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I don´t know where you have your informations from, but I also live in germany and your informations are wrong. (so far I know)

every therapist (psychology studies 3 years + 2 years additional education as a therapist (called: "psychologischer Psychotherapeut") can make an autism diagnosis. it´s not necessary that he/she is an autism specialist and you don´t need to go to an autism competence center, if you need a therapy or diagnosis. you can, but you don´t have to.

maybe some therapists have no knowdlege about autism and don´t feel secure to make a diagnosis, but theoretically/judicial they can make a diagnosis, so far I know.

I wrote another post here in this forum where I explained that as an autist you have 2 possibilities (therapy and diagnosis). normal behavorial therapy and autism therapy.

your posts make the impression that there would be only one way for an autist, but so far I know that´s not true.

maybe you mean psychologists, which only studied 3 years, but without an additional education. these psychologists are no therapists and can not do a therapy or diagnosis. but that has nothing to do with autism, it is so in general.

it seems like you not read my last post about this topic.

maybe some people have me on the ignore list and can not see my posts or just don´t care about my posts, don´t know. their problem, not mine.

so when you ever go to germany and want to make a therapy/diagnosis there, you are informed now. (but without guarantee)
Well, I definetely don't have anyone on ignore lists and I thank you for the information.
Well, I definetely don't have anyone on ignore lists and I thank you for the information.

ok maybe I hyperfocus on this topic atm, but I searched for it and thought about deleting my post, because now I´m not sure if not maybe I´m wrong.

in my case I did a stationary therapy, carried out from a normal therapist, which had the assumption that I could have autism, but the autism test itself was performed from a specialist and I´m not sure if he was a therapist or medical doctor. also on the therapy report there are two signs. one from the therapist and one from the chief physician.

my actual therapist said that he also thinks that I have autism, but you get the therapy report in the end from the therapy and so I don´t know if he just thinks that or if he legally can assert that I have autism.

and I don´t know if the last autism diagnosis was only valid because an autism specialist carried the autism test out and because of the sign of the chief physician or if this has nothing to do with that.

I found nothing useful in the internet.

but most people here anyway not live in germany, so it´s probably equal for them.
ok maybe I hyperfocus on this topic atm, but I searched for it and thought about deleting my post, because now I´m not sure if not maybe I´m wrong.

in my case I did a stationary therapy, carried out from a normal therapist, which had the assumption that I could have autism, but the autism test itself was performed from a specialist and I´m not sure if he was a therapist or medical doctor. also on the therapy report there are two signs. one from the therapist and one from the chief physician.

my actual therapist said that he also thinks that I have autism, but you get the therapy report in the end from the therapy and so I don´t know if he just thinks that or if he legally can assert that I have autism.

and I don´t know if the last autism diagnosis was only valid because an autism specialist carried the autism test out and because of the sign of the chief physician or if this has nothing to do with that.

I found nothing useful in the internet.

but most people here anyway not live in germany, so it´s probably equal for them.
How old were you when you were diagnosed? Because that makes a very big difference!
What I've written is my personal experience and I even requested a list from my health insurance- a list of autism centres and psychologists who offer adult diagnosis of autism. It was a short list and I wrote to all of them. The waiting time is around 1-2 years in average.
I'm not in Germany, but where I live the assessments are only considered valid if they are done by Neuropsychologists who have experience in psychometric testing and assessment, as opposed to talk therapy.

Neuropsychologists are PhDs but not medical doctors. I suppose their education would be 4 years of undergrad, a Master's Degree, and then the PhD which can be up to five years.

Psychiatrists (who are medical doctors) can't diagnose because ASD isn't a medical condition or mental health disorder. Neuoropsychiatrists can diagnose but it's less common. They usually diagnose ADHD because it has a pharmaceutical treatment option and they can prescribe meds.
How old were you when you were diagnosed? Because that makes a very big difference!
16. it was 8 years ago.

What I've written is my personal experience and I even requested a list from my indurance- a list of autism centres and psychologist who off adult diagnosis of autism. It was a short list and I wrote to all of them. The waiting time is around 1-2 years in average.
yes I also heard that the waiting time is so long.

I would try to contact a normal therapist, if you still feel bad and maybe you have luck and you get a therapist who has experience with autists (like in my case). even when he can not give you an official diagnose, he can say what he thinks and can help you anyway.

the waiting time can also be very long, but also very short (like in my case). I got an appointment after a few weeks.

I could ask my therapist if he can make official diagnoses or if only medical doctors or autism specialists can do that. he must know that.

I'm not in Germany, but where I live the assessments are only considered valid if they are done by Neuropsychologists who have experience in psychometric testing and assessment, as opposed to talk therapy.

Neuropsychologists are PhDs but not medical doctors. I suppose their education would be 4 years of undergrad, a Master's Degree, and then the PhD which can be up to five years.

Psychiatrists (who are medical doctors) can't diagnose because ASD isn't a medical condition or mental health disorder. Neuoropsychiatrists can diagnose but it's less common. They usually diagnose ADHD because it has a pharmaceutical treatment option and they can prescribe meds.
even more complicated than in germany (where it is also complicate)

I find it interesting that it´s estimated 1-2 per cent of all humans in the world have autism (I heard that), but too less people have knowledge about that. 1-2 per cent are 80.000.000 people, which is the whole population of germany.
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How old were you when you were diagnosed? Because that makes a very big difference!
What I've written is my personal experience and I even requested a list from my health insurance- a list of autism centres and psychologists who offer adult diagnosis of autism. It was a short list and I wrote to all of them. The waiting time is around 1-2 years in average.

I recommend contacting the Psychology / Neuropsychology departments of all local Universities. They are often doing research and teaching students to conduct assessments at a lower rate even though it's accredited to the supervisor's credentials.

Of course you'd have to see if those people are covered on your insurance. Quite often they aren't listed on insurance charts because they don't work in the normal public system, but they're still covered.
I could ask my therapist if he can make official diagnoses or if only medical doctors or autism specialists can do that. he must know that.

There's an age limit. Childrens' psychologists can make a diagnosis if you are underage.
There's an age limit. Childrens' psychologists can make a diagnosis if you are underage.
I understand it so that children and youth psychologists can only diagnose autism to the age of 25, because they are and childen and youth psychologists and not because of autism.

but maybe it is like you say. don´t know.

and my last therapist was a normal therapist and not one for childs and youths.

when I not forget it, then I will ask my therapist tomorrow and he should know that (very probably).
I understand it so that children and youth psychologists can only diagnose autism to the age of 25, because they are and childen and youth psychologists and not because of autism.

but maybe it is like you say. don´t know.

and my last therapist was a normal therapist and not one for childs and youths.

when I not forget it, then I will ask my therapist tomorrow and he should know that (very probably).
Thank you, that would be helpful :)
It's very difficult to get decent information.
Another thought is that some are trying to find ways not to work and be productive citizens.

I’ve got Autism! I can’t work! Where is my government check!?

I hate to be negative, but I have seen too much disability fraud from people with handicapped plates on their car who are definitely not handicapped, to others who are scamming the system with fake disabilities. Find the ‘right’ doctor and your ‘in’.

Like many here, I worked hard my whole life and I resent individuals that are too lazy to do the same.
Another thought is that some are trying to find ways not to work and be productive citizens.

I’ve got Autism! I can’t work! Where is my government check!?

I hate to be negative, but I have seen too much disability fraud from people with handicapped plates on their car who are definitely not handicapped, to others who are scamming the system with fake disabilities. Find the ‘right’ doctor and your ‘in’.

Like many here, I worked hard my whole life and I resent individuals that are too lazy to do the same.

Do you know for sure those people with the handicapped plates are faking it?

Do you know that they are claiming Autism, specifically?

While I agree some people do try to play the system in various ways, and some people promote themselves as having ASD or other issues when they don't, many people do have legitimate invisible disabilities and they are judged harshly for conditions others can't see.

My daughter, for instance, has a wheelchair permit because she has a debilitating, permanent physical disability which people can't see by looking at her. She is often heckled, insulted, or forced to show her personal medical information to parking officials / police despite having her name and address on the permit, which is stamped as Permanent Use with no expiration by medical professionals and the government. Likewise I am recovering from strokes and although I no longer need my walker or cane, I can't walk long distances without face-planting into the concrete because of vertigo. I use my permit to avoid falling down and being struck by a car.
I’ve got Autism! I can’t work! Where is my government check!?

I'm not sure what country you're in, but in the U.S. anyway I don't think the government readily gives disability checks to Level 1 ASD if even at all. I've never heard of it anyway. Is that actually a possibility?
Do you know for sure those people with the handicapped plates are faking it?

Do you know that they are claiming Autism, specifically?

Yes, I know for sure.

There is a popular beach near me and they charge for parking, but handicapped parking is free. I can't even count the number of times I have seen 'supposed' handicapped people with Handicapped Plates get out of their car and go for a run. It is very frustrating, and people who truly need these spaces, like you and your daughter, would be unable to park there.

I mentioned Autism as the OP mentioned that a few people are announcing that they are now Autistic.

I was in a wheelchair for quite a while and I take those Handicapped Plates seriously.
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