Do you know for sure those people with the handicapped plates are faking it?
Do you know that they are claiming Autism, specifically?
While I agree some people do try to play the system in various ways, and some people promote themselves as having ASD or other issues when they don't, many people do have legitimate invisible disabilities and they are judged harshly for conditions others can't see.
My daughter, for instance, has a wheelchair permit because she has a debilitating, permanent physical disability which people can't see by looking at her. She is often heckled, insulted, or forced to show her personal medical information to parking officials / police despite having her name and address on the permit, which is stamped as Permanent Use with no expiration by medical professionals and the government. Likewise I am recovering from strokes and although I no longer need my walker or cane, I can't walk long distances without face-planting into the concrete because of vertigo. I use my permit to avoid falling down and being struck by a car.