It was a first date. Going to his home to Meet his mom on a first date would be a lot. If it develops into a relationship I expect you will become welcome in his home and meet him mom. But that is at least a few dates down the line. Personally I don't have someone in my house until 5-10 dates in. And meeting family is several months into the relationship for me.
All the details about food preferences are irrelevant. Differing opinions and healthy discussions are totally fine and normal. What is relevant is "I feel like a child and I don't like that feeling." This is a major red flag. Trust your gut. You don't like how he makes you feel. Don't waste your time on someone who makes you feel small. Find someone who makes you feel valued as an equal.
If someone is right, there won't be a big old 'but'. Don't use good qualities to justify treating you bad. No bodies perfect, but in a good match the little annoying things are endearing.
I am not expecting to meet his mom so soon. This date owns the place. So, it feels weird to not be able to meet at his place that he owns when I am open to him coming to my place and he knows that. If I'm going to his place, I wouldn't try to engage with his mother, but that is also a risk I want him to be open to at least maybe a few months down the line if not now.