So it turned out that Cottage Garden, the incorrect board game out of that set, is quite excellent. Which I say after multiple rounds and a couple of utterly entranced hours with it.
Sure, Amazon. Well, happy for me anyway. That game is worth a good $20 more than the one I paid for that you were supposed to send me. DISCOUNT!!!
Huh... I've never once seen a place where the houses/streets arent marked! Where in the world is this funky area? And here I thought I'd seen "middle of bloody nowhere", but even the tiny crap towns in the middle of endless grass that I've seen, they still have numbers and road names.
Also yes, I dont like buying blind either. Which I suppose might be one reason why I dont like ordering things. No matter what I'm buying, I want to hold it first. Otherwise I get the constant feeling that it wont be what I think it is, and that feeling wont go away until the package arrives.
It exists, and yet it doesnt. It is the place that is no place. Endless rooms full of shelves and racks. Go too far in, and you never get out!
Makes me think of The Backrooms, which has been popular recently. Maybe not quite THAT creepy, but still. Who knows what might be hiding in some of those racks?
Though, the lack of matching socks would be the true horror for some shoppers.

Sure, Amazon. Well, happy for me anyway. That game is worth a good $20 more than the one I paid for that you were supposed to send me. DISCOUNT!!!
I always shop at actual stores for groceries and clothes, but for other things I order online because where I live there isn't a lot of choice of product. Also, particularly with clothes, I want to see and feel it before buying... I don't really like buying blind, it causes anxiety. I do order a lot of music online, though. Also, unless I buy from China, having things sent by post can expensive, I'd have to really want it to justify the extra expense of having things sent to me.
A big problem where I live is with couriers. I live in a rural area where the houses and street don't even have names or numbers, and I sometimes find that a courier from out of town won't know where the house is, mark it as being a wrong address, and then send it back. I've had packages where the seller has written the contact details clearly on the packet, but some moron, in their infinite wisdom, has taken a pen and deleted my name, phone and address and the packet never arrives and gets sent back to the sender. Extremely irritating.
Huh... I've never once seen a place where the houses/streets arent marked! Where in the world is this funky area? And here I thought I'd seen "middle of bloody nowhere", but even the tiny crap towns in the middle of endless grass that I've seen, they still have numbers and road names.
Also yes, I dont like buying blind either. Which I suppose might be one reason why I dont like ordering things. No matter what I'm buying, I want to hold it first. Otherwise I get the constant feeling that it wont be what I think it is, and that feeling wont go away until the package arrives.
I always go there.
Are you telling me it doesnt exist?
Where have I been going all this time?
I'm imagining how much fun it is to buy socks in the cloth labrinth.
Obviously all matching socks are hidden.
It exists, and yet it doesnt. It is the place that is no place. Endless rooms full of shelves and racks. Go too far in, and you never get out!
Makes me think of The Backrooms, which has been popular recently. Maybe not quite THAT creepy, but still. Who knows what might be hiding in some of those racks?
Though, the lack of matching socks would be the true horror for some shoppers.