I know what you mean, but here are a few positives you might like to try. Unless you live in the southern hemisphere, Winter means Christmas; if that's too much for you, you don't have to join in, or you can at least choose what to take part in and what to ignore. Winter means winter woollies (unless you have an issue with clothing, there's nothing more comforting than wrapping up in a favourite cardigan or jumper), hot chocolate/drinks, hot water bottles, warm fires etc. True, you can't do much about the weather and the colour (or lack of it!) of the sky; but you can wear bright colours, put up colourful pictures/ornaments etc, Christmas decorations at the right time. Curl up on the settee in front of the fire with a book or magazine and a hot drink, play some music. Cuddle the cat or dog if you have one and it'll let you. Invest in a nice, warm coat, scarf, gloves and hat if you haven't already - if money's tight, look in the charity shops or jumble sales, you can get some nice things in those places these days - and don't forget the colour! No more black, grey or brown unless you brighten them up with colourful accessories. If you're female, don't forget some nice costume jewellery and/or neck scarves, especially if you can't afford to revamp your wardrobe completely and the clothes you've got are drab or a bit old and tired. If people ask you what you'd like for Christmas, you know what to ask for.