Well-Known Member
Actually your study has objective value zero. And it wouldn't surprise me to discover that the companies or individuals who own online dating sites, somehow, surreptitiously funded the studies which were categorized as research.
The study was performed using virtually anonymous data evaluated through mathematical tools used in any statistical research, thus it is as objective as any research that is published through peer-to-peer review. Simply stating your opinion, "it has objective value zero", doesn't do much difference. It is objective, far more than the personal experiences of any particular individual.
Oh my, an academic magazine so it must be true, all hail the science of academia as the only valid truth in the world?
It certainly doesn't mean it must be true, if that were the case, it wouldn't be science. Still, it is always more valid than personal experiences.
Mia from autism forums is just one person, the experiences of one person (or her relatively limited acquaintances) is hardly representative of anything. In fact, Mia's opinion is as valid as Uncle Troph.Mia from autism forums, has lots of experience with dating rather than the questionable science of social interaction based on messaging on online dating forums. And in fact, most people will go to other people for information about dating rather than a dating app study.
I could have stated the very opposite you said based on my personal experiences - but I didn't, because would you believe Uncle Troph? No; should you believe Uncle Troph? No. And the reasons you would to not take my hypothetically opposite opinions are the same to not consider Mia's opinions of any value.
Statistical research on the other hand, has a higher probability of being representative of reality.