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I Need Help Please

Grumpy Cat

Well-Known Member
It's me, Angie. I just lost my job and I need to know how to file for unemployment. Is it best to apply in person? How long does it take to get started? And what kind of percentage do you get back?

And what do I do about health insurance?

I was going to have a professional resume done (since I haven't done one in 12 yrs).

What else should I be doing? Someone help me. I've never been without a job and I feel helpless. I still can't believe it happened.
OMG, Angie. That's terrible. This news came to you without any warning?

It's been ages since I applied for unemployment, but nowadays they probably have applications online. I'd check there first.

I signed up my friend for state-funded health insurance online in just a few minutes (i.e. Medi-Cal). You might check with your ex-employer to see if there is any kind of grace period where the health insurance is still active for a month or so after separation. If you were laid-off, they may have something like that available.

I'm sorry you lost your job. I know how scary that is. All the best to you.
I don't know as I'm in Canada. I know here it recommend to apply right away as there is a one month waiting period. I'm assuming other countries have waiting periods too. The waiting period starts here from the day you filed, NOT the day you lost your job. How you file here the employer provides a record of employment that states your employment history of your job. By law, the employer needs to give this information by a certain date or they could get in trouble for it. Losing a job does sucks. This happen to me many times. Also for here, you don't collect anything for the first two weeks of benefits.

What I can say, not sure about your country but welfare is worse than unemployment insurance. It good to find a job before unemployment runs out to avoid welfare at all cost. Life just becomes more hell if you go on that.
Hi Angie, I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. Filing for unemployment can be different in different states, so I would google your local "unemployment office" or "unemployment center" and you should see your local office near the top of your search returns. I just found this website, which led me to my local office's website quickly and easily: US Unemployment Offices and Career Centers - US Unemployment Offices And Career Centers
This is a blog that also has a lot of FAQs about what to do when you're looking for work.

It's been a long time since I last drew unemployment, so I can't really speak to the experience now. Last time I did I found it was a lot like going to the DMV to get a new driver's license or something. You have to wait a long time, fill out several forms, and then wait some more. Painless, and easy once finished, but it sucks during.

Depending on your current health insurance situation, there may be existing programs for unemployment contingency coverage. If you were employed by a big company, you may be able to get information about this and other related things from the company's Human Resources office. Otherwise, you may be able to get help at your local state unemployment office, or even online.

The first thing I would do (after freaking out, probably) is go online to find as many answers as possible. Don't postpone visiting or calling your local unemployment office. You've paid into the system all your working life, and now that insurance will help you span the gap between this job and the next.

I hope this helps. I'm sure there are many other members who can help, too!
In my work we file unemployment somewhat often. Usually it's a percentage of your highest grossing quarter, for example if in jan-mar 2014 quarter your total earnings were 16,500, est weekly payment is $450.
If 8,500 quarter, about $311 per week.
I file online it's usually easier than doing it in person.
File immediately! There is a one week no pay after you file.
If fired, it may be a question as to whether you will be eligible for benefits. Pm me for more info
It's me, Angie. I just lost my job and I need to know how to file for unemployment. Is it best to apply in person? How long does it take to get started? And what kind of percentage do you get back?

And what do I do about health insurance?

I was going to have a professional resume done (since I haven't done one in 12 yrs).

What else should I be doing? Someone help me. I've never been without a job and I feel helpless. I still can't believe it happened.

See above post. Also, COBRA coverage can be paid for $$$$$$ between jobs, or check your local health exchange (Viva Obamacare)
Oh Angie, I am so sorry to hear of this situation. I don't have any advice to offer (the above posters seem to know what they're talking about, though), but I just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts.

Sorry to hear Angie. I know years ago when I voluntarily quit my insurance career I went through the COBRA plan which basically continued the existing coverage I had through my prior employer. However as Rocco posted, with Obamacare in place COBRA may be the wrong place to go given the expense. I really don't know.

FAQs about COBRA Continuation Health Coverage

If I had to apply for unemployment I'd most assuredly apply online if possible and not in person.

Kansas Department of Labor

As a healthcare professional, it wouldn't surprise me to hear you find another job fairly quickly. Hang in there!
Well, for being on welfare, at least in Canada they want you to be a bum. What I mean by this is the following. If you own a house, they might want you to sell it. If you have any savings and other assets, they want you to use all of that up before you are aloud to be on welfare. You don't go through this nonsense with unemployment.

Most of the time, welfare is less money than unemployment. This makes another disadvantage of welfare.

Both services if you find a job and make money they make deductions, but there are difference for both services. For unemployment if you work more than 35 hrs per week, or if your earning with your new job is higher than what you collect for unemployment, you don't collect anything for that week. Let say in this example the person was not allowed to collect for a reporting period based on their earnings. They have 30 weeks left for their claim. Those 30 remaining weeks can be used at a later date when the person income is lower or have no income. However, if the remaining weeks are not used before the end date of the claim, the remaining unused weeks you can't collect. What I mean by the end date of claim is the last date you are aloud to collect unemployment before they close your file.

For welfare, once you make a certain amount, they won't help you with any money for the following month since they pay by the monthly bases. This can be a major problem and I explain why. You have been working for a while and you're not able to collect welfare for the new month. Let say the new month is November. In the middle of November, you lose your job. You don't find work for a while. You then do your reporting for December. Because the person lost their job in the middle of the November and didn't collect welfare for that month, they will have a two week period of November they had no access to money. Then the money you collect in December, they make deductions on what you can collect for that month. Let say you normally get $600 per month for welfare, but based on deductions of income earned in November, they are only going to give you $300. You still haven't found a job. Not just your short of $300 for December, you are also short of two weeks of money in November of not earning an income after a job lost. So basically, if you get a job, and then lose a job while on welfare, your finances can be ****ed up if you can understand my example in this paragraph. This is why I was stress earlier this year because didn't want to be on welfare and I'm very happy I prevented this.

However, there could be some benefits being on welfare, at least in Canada. They will help with medical expenses such as prescriptions, glasses, bus passes, etcs which unemployment does not help with. So basically it depends on the situations. But in most cases, welfare is worse than unemployment. If you not able to follow the above and if you don't understand finances well, then this might not make any sense to you.
I know this won't fix things for you but I want to share my photo of my pet fish I bought today called Rocco. He does care a lot about you. He wish you well and hope things gets better for you as soon as possible.

It's me, Angie. I just lost my job and I need to know how to file for unemployment. Is it best to apply in person? How long does it take to get started? And what kind of percentage do you get back?

And what do I do about health insurance?

I was going to have a professional resume done (since I haven't done one in 12 yrs).

What else should I be doing? Someone help me. I've never been without a job and I feel helpless. I still can't believe it happened.

My thoughts are with you Angie, hopefully you can find an alternative pretty quickly.

Hope you find work soon, Angie. I haven't worked in two years and I've been completely broke for one year. Thank the Gods Mom's willing to put up with me or I'd really be up a creek.

For health care, you should definitely look at healthcare.gov when you're reviewing your options since open enrollment is about to start again. Regardless of your feelings about the Affordable Care Act, it's better than not having anything at all. The only reason I haven't signed up is because I'm trying to get disability and I don't know whether I need to sign up at the health care website or apply for Medicaid.
Sorry to hear of your latest misfortune.
I can offer you no advice as I was only a part of that side of the system over 30 years ago.
Change is always difficult for anyone and I don't know your credentials or present financial situation,but I see no problem for you picking up the pieces and starting over.

Hang tough Angie,the advice you are getting is sound...things will work out for you ;)

If it will help you,Aspieville Electricians always has openings for "electrical testers" in the lightbulb changing division and you are still qualified for the position ;)

waits for his slap...again :p
Aye, big cyber hug for you!

When I tried my only time with unemployment, I think I first went online and searched for the unemployment office for my state. Once I tracked down a number, I called it, and that's how it got started. They sent papers to fill out and there was a phone interview or two.

I can try to help with your resume. Of the 500 classes they make you take for it in college these days I always got high marks in each of them and I've worked as an HR person/filter before. From there we can get you set up with CareerBuilder (beware of the insurance salesmen recruiters), Monster, and any state based job hunting sites. With nurses being in such high demand, you should be able to nab another job easily. I don't know your skillset or qualifications, but I should think you could work anywhere from clinics to homes to whatever other buildings they have out there or even at another hospital if there's one close by.
I do not know what it's like where you are, but here (Idaho) nurses are in very high demand. It's my understanding that's the way it is everywhere. I think the advice given here is sound, so about all I can is best wish's and good luck.
I always think when I am unemployed there's something that despite not being my speciality it would provide me some bucks. What I mean is that when you are unemployed don't be picky just find something and while you have a stable earning to get by look for something better.
Kansas Department of Labor
You're in Kansas aren't you? Start with the above link.
Be prepared to spend a lot of time on the phone.
I was on unemployment two years ago. My contact with the case manager (a government employee for unemployment in my state) was by phone.
I had to mail in paperwork as well. Submit the initial application, and they'll let you know what to do next.

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