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I Need Help Please

I'm so sorry to hear. I'd love to help, but I really don't know anything about the unemployment system of US. I hope things will lighten up for you soon. Sometimes we need to leave things behind to have space for new ones. I'm hoping, that whatever the future holds for you, it will be something positive.
Very sorry for your trouble, Angie. It sounds as though this all happened very unexpectedly, which only adds to the panic.

I'm not in the States, so I can't be much help, but I can tell you that a good friend of mine over there was recently sacked without proper cause or documentation, according to the laws of her state, and worse, she had to argue for unemployment benefits. She looked up her local public legal services, which helped her get it all sorted at no cost. If you believe you were sacked inappropriately, or suspect your former employer might resist your claim for benefits, you may want to contact your local legal services straight away. I hear it can take some time to get their help, down to the demand on their services.

Something else I learned from my friend's situation is that her former company is legally bound against speaking badly of her to prospective employers. They can only get basic information such as dates of work, position, and rate of pay. I think this applies to all states.

Very best of luck to you in getting past this quickly. The good news is that nurses are always in demand.

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