Also with some norms nowadays that women (trying to be alpha, being too tough with their men, they are nothing but trouble, being promiscuous, bratty, stuck up, stubborn etc.) I just roll by myself. If there is someone that interests me, she has to give me the butterflies and only one girl did that to me, there's also that.
You pretty much summed up most of the trouble with women in English speaking countries. Of course they are not ALL like this and there are some good women to be found, but I would say on average we in the English speaking world have it worse than anywhere. Results of a very toxic culture and "Feminist" propaganda. They think being an obnoxious, abrasive, promiscuous, selfish ***** are hall marks of being a strong empowered woman.
I think others have pretty well covered it. There is definitely a lot of positive to be had just working on yourself. Avoiding a potential bad relationship that may drag you down physically and maybe financially.
On the other had as Oilie put it, when you do want to get into a relationship afterward you will find yourself at a significant disadvantage, due to...
1. Lack of opportunity.
Not only because you will have less exposure, but the older you get the more hooked up everyone is. Let me tell you from my own experience at 32 years old. Do you know how many 30ish year old people are single? I don't have a statistic for that, but I suspect around 5-10% just based on experience. The number probably skews a little as a person of high desirability is more likely to be locked down, and vice versa. That makes dating very difficult because even if you meet a lady in some kind of encounter there is a very low chance she is single, and willing to date. Dating websites? There are a few threads around here on the matter, one started by myself. Though some get lucky, I don't think a person should put a whole lot of faith in those.
2. Lack of experience.
Reaching your mid 20's and having never kissed a girl or gone anywhere down that path will make it far more difficult to land a girl when you are ready. Here is the thing. You can't get a girl without confidence, but you can't get real confidence unless you've already had some degree of success. A rock and a hard place. It is somewhat like trying to get your first job, or your first job in your field of study. They don't want you because you have no experience, but you can't get experience because they don't want you... Feel free to smash your head against the keyboard at this point.
You can fake confidence, but women can see through that show of bravado like a window. Eventually given enough exposure and enough attempts, a fella is bound to see some success somewhere (a little like putting out a batch of 200 resumes and finally getting an interview). Hopefully you are actually as good looking as Daniel Craig.