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I think i am obsessed with my aspergers!


Well-Known Member
I was diagnosed little over a year ago. And was not given much information about it. So, I started reading, watching, and listning to everything I could get a hold of. And I found that alot of the info I found was more about children and adolescents. Adult aspergers information was harder to find. Finding this site had helped a lot. Getting feedback from other aspies and reading about simular problems that I deal with.
Haha, me too. My psychiatrist and care coordinator both believe I have asperger's, I'm getting a formal diagnosis soon. All I want to do nowadays is read and talk about it, I'm becoming quite the professor in it, I'm bought a bunch of book about it that I'm going to get through rather fast. I've left a trail of comments on youtube videos about autism under the handle "followthategg".:D
I was diagnosed little over a year ago. And was not given much information about it. So, I started reading, watching, and listning to everything I could get a hold of. And I found that alot of the info I found was more about children and adolescents. Adult aspergers information was harder to find. Finding this site had helped a lot. Getting feedback from other aspies and reading about simular problems that I deal with.

Thanks heavens it's not just me.

When the specialist first suggested I was on the spectrum*, I didn't take it that seriously. Here in the UK, waiting lists for an adult assessment and diagnosis can be years. But 7 months later, and a letter arrived with an appointment date. That's when the I got rather obsessive. Like you said in your post, I started read everything and listened to anything. And joined this web site about then.

How I've been diagnosed, am trying to channel the obsessions into something worthwhile like finding meetings to go to, along with finding out if I can get some counselling.

* Throughout, the doctors have told me that it's autism spectrum disorder. Aspergers has been included in the spectrum.
Thanks heavens it's not just me.

When the specialist first suggested I was on the spectrum*, I didn't take it that seriously. Here in the UK, waiting lists for an adult assessment and diagnosis can be years. But 7 months later, and a letter arrived with an appointment date. That's when the I got rather obsessive. Like you said in your post, I started read everything and listened to anything. And joined this web site about then.

How I've been diagnosed, am trying to channel the obsessions into something worthwhile like finding meetings to go to, along with finding out if I can get some counselling.

* Throughout, the doctors have told me that it's autism spectrum disorder. Aspergers has been included in the spectrum.

I don't know if you noticed my other post. But I actually went to college for a counselling course, its a personal development course, so you're in charge of what you study because you are studying YOU.

I've got a diploma.

You analyse yourself!!!! And get to write about yourself with your journals etc. Its person centred (humanistic!!! ha ha got to laugh) and this is how I found out how messed up I really was in comparison to the 'rest of the world'.

I am absolutely continuing my study. I have a University interview in a months time. I want that place bad. If I can do it, anyone can. I want to specialise in this area.

Just a thought for you. I am not trying to boast or anything. Believe me I've had a damn empty life with a full head :)
I am the same way. You are not alone in this. My knowledge of Aspergers go far beyond a lot of what my friends know.
Welcome to the Aspie jungle :)

I took on studies of my condition as a special interest after my discovery day
LOL yeah, my manager swears I've become a walking ASD encyclopedia. He just asks me if he's unsure about something ASD. On the positive side, he's taken to seeking out ASD talent more actively so, that's good. Claims I'm one of his best and, if it takes being on the spectrum to be like me, then he wants more of me LOL.
Phew ! All your comments have been re-assuring.

Ok, so I'm a bit of later comer to all of this, but keen to play catch-up.

It never occurred to me that I could ever be on the spectrum. I went to a specialist ADHD doctor to discuss possible ADHD symptoms. He later diagnosed me with ADHD and also mentioned that I might be on the spectrum. He had to spell it out to me. "I'm pretty sure, you're on the spectrum". He also introduced me to the phrase 'ASD/ADHD comborbidity'. I was completely unaware of of this medical expression.

Over time, it's developed into a full blown obsessive project, for which the more recent ASD diagnosis has been a green light for go.

I've worried that I might be far too obsessed about the spectrum diagnosis. But it's good that I am in company.

The next step is doing something about the ASD diagnosis.
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Just a thought for you. I am not trying to boast or anything. Believe me I've had a damn empty life with a full head :)

Excellent post. And I rather agree with you. I think it's about finding out why you think you way you do, how it might differ from other people and if anything can be done. Plus all the stuff about quirky personal traits !
Excellent post. And I rather agree with you. I think it's about finding out why you think you way you do, how it might differ from other people and if anything can be done. Plus all the stuff about quirky personal traits !

For me personally I just thought I was messed up, there was a hell of a lot of contributing factors in my childhood that were blocks, on top of which no explanations as to how I should be. instead a lot of verbal abuse 'I should've known better'.

It wasn't until after the passing of the course that the uni advised me 'give study a break and work on myself' which is basically the exact thing, just find acceptance then re-apply.

It was only after this that I was passed the word 'aspergers', The word itself is a Title for my last 2 years personal study and reflection on life previous.

I notice you are in the uk also. Did you know that you will qualify for the student loan.... you could end up being in the 'specialist field'. You know your disorder/syndrome as much as we are all discovering :) :) :)
I notice you are in the uk also. Did you know that you will qualify for the student loan.... you could end up being in the 'specialist field'. You know your disorder/syndrome as much as we are all discovering :) :) :)

I can certainly relate to your "messed up" comment.

Yes, I am in the UK. I've had a really good service from the NHS with comparatively short waiting times for assessments. I've got a supportive GP who prescribes the ADHD medication. I understand that not all NHS GPs prescribe ADHD pills.

Like you said, I know my own disorder/syndrome. With some obsessive zeal, I'm currently attributing ASD/ADHD explanations to my behaviour, traits and responses. Previously, such incidents might be poorly explained and not resolved properly. I'm keen not use my ASD/ADHD combination as an excuse for my behaviour.

Didn't know that you get a student loan. May it's time for several year of evening classes with a new academic project.
I can certainly relate to your "messed up" comment.

Yes, I am in the UK. I've had a really good service from the NHS with comparatively short waiting times for assessments. I've got a supportive GP who prescribes the ADHD medication. I understand that not all NHS GPs prescribe ADHD pills.

Like you said, I know my own disorder/syndrome. With some obsessive zeal, I'm currently attributing ASD/ADHD explanations to my behaviour, traits and responses. Previously, such incidents might be poorly explained and not resolved properly. I'm keen not use my ASD/ADHD combination as an excuse for my behaviour.

Didn't know that you get a student loan. May it's time for several year of evening classes with a new academic project.

The first year, we studied, boundaries, confidentiality, respect of self and others, benefits of relationships, it ALL went over my head because as much as 'its obvious' to be confidential etc.... I didn't realise that my obsessive over talking and justification of myself, my actions, my past etc where actually my main problem... 45 years of talking to anyone that would listen. Hence, slander to people of my past, not something I realised til year two.

Year two, it was more about specific personality traits, this year I did indeed go cuckoo with over load but I stuck with it and the pieces started fitting together for me.

Honestly if I had the money I would send my kids, family and previous partners to a dessert island to do this course. It is so empowering. This is when you realise wow, i'm a bloomin genius!!!!! So many penny drop moments etc.

Not sure where about you live but yes in the UK we can get student finance (as long as you haven't already got a degree) Student finance can be applied straight through to higher education. And you only start paying it back if and when you start earning something like 22,000 (grand) a year and then its something like £10 a week.

Not sure where about you live but yes in the UK we can get student finance (as long as you haven't already got a degree) Student finance can be applied straight through to higher education. And you only start paying it back if and when you start earning something like 22,000 (grand) a year and then its something like £10 a week.

What a fascinating account of your course. And awful lot to take in.

I already have a degree, which rules out a student loan.
What a fascinating account of your course. And awful lot to take in.

I already have a degree, which rules out a student loan.

Can I be nosey and ask what degree you have and from when?

Reason being I note that you have only recently been diagnosed. Aspergers is a disability is it not ;)
Can I be nosey and ask what degree you have and from when?

Ask away !

My degree was in politics and economic history, University of Kent, 1985-1988.

Reason being I note that you have only recently been diagnosed. Aspergers is a disability is it not ;)

Yes, diagnosed earlier this month (Jan 2016).

Aspergers is a disability is it not ;)

My diagnosis report is an interested read. It's certainly highlighted my traits to me !!
Ask away !

My degree was in politics and economic history, University of Kent, 1985-1988.

Yes, diagnosed earlier this month (Jan 2016).

My diagnosis report is an interested read. It's certainly highlighted my traits to me !!

So, given that you now KNOW, it could be seen as a gift to help others... In the counselling world, you need to understand yourself before you can counsel others.... I would say that if it is something you may wish to pursue then I believe under this 'newly discovered diagnosis of a long term disorder/problem' you may likely get the funding... Personal development.

If its not, then i'll just shut up lol.
So, given that you now KNOW, it could be seen as a gift to help others... In the counselling world, you need to understand yourself before you can counsel others.... I would say that if it is something you may wish to pursue then I believe under this 'newly discovered diagnosis of a long term disorder/problem' you may likely get the funding... Personal development.

If its not, then i'll just shut up lol.

Your contribution is timely and may be giving me more ideas.

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