Well-Known Member
Just attended my first autism support group meeting. I really enjoyed it. We talked about being obsessed with our aspergers, which was great and really made me feel more at ease. It was just great talking to other people on the spectrum. It all felt very equal. For me, it was an excellent peer-to-peer experience. And it's fine to be obsessed with aspergers !
Best of all, at the meeting, I talked to someone from the UK's National Autistic Society (NAS). One email led to another. And now I am going to be a volunteer at the NAS annual Autism Conference. It's made me feel really happy. The best in a long time.
Best of all, at the meeting, I talked to someone from the UK's National Autistic Society (NAS). One email led to another. And now I am going to be a volunteer at the NAS annual Autism Conference. It's made me feel really happy. The best in a long time.