Some would strongly disagree with your self description of being “straight,” but also having had many multiple gay homosexual sexual encounters, and fantasies (regardless of the reasons for having them). There are so many men in various cultures around the world just like you. They are secretly engaging with men sexually, though swear they are “straight” due to morals, being married, and having children. There is no way to be “straight” yet fantasize, and have multiple homosexual encounters! No way. You are in denial.
You can define yourself however you want, but please do not say that all gay men engage in “most humiliating, shameful, and degrading things” because they “all” do not, and it furthers societal hatred and stigmatizing of ALL gay men. Being gay does not necessarily include anal penetration, certainly not “rape,” and certainly not any other sexual practices that are different then sexual practices done by heterosexual, lesbian, or bi-sexual people. I have known uncountable “gay defined” men who absolutely do not engage in penetration and have safe happy sexual lives, partners, and social lives. These have been the ones who survived the devastating AIDS crisis of the 1970 and 80s . They exist everywhere. You are judging gay men as a stereotype that is not helpful nor accurate. I did lose 28 friends to AIDS in the early 1980s, but many friends from back then are still Aids free to this day too. There are huge amounts of Aids-free aging men and many never engaged in “shameful” practices.
You were raped, and that is what has colored your experiences. Many many gay males were raped in childhood, or traumatized sexually by someone. Your story is actually quite common, and I have heard it all too frequently in the past 28 years. You are not alone, in your fantasies, denials, or self loathing “masochism” either, in coping with the traumas of what happened to you.
Many many people of all genders, and sexual identifications fantasize about rape- often stemming from a traumatizing rape (but not always.) It can cause people much pain as they do not understand why they would want to reenact these traumatic life events. Some experiment a few times and then move on in life. Others continue their entire lives enacting these “masochistic” fantasies...some engaging in S&M, others role play rape fantasies, and others deal by become alcoholics and let people abuse them. There are so many ways humans learn to cope with what life gives them. I feel it is pointless and harming to judge, label and stigmatize with the inaccuracies you post here.
The point is you are not coming to grips with your rape. I hope you get some therapy with a professional. If you keep having the need to have sex with men, you are not “straight.” You are in denial. There is something that keeps you going back. It’s not fair to the females you are in relationships with to believe you are heterosexual when you are not acting in that way.
I also want to say that some gay men do not have “relationships with other men.” They just have quick sexual escapades and some do not want to even know the first name of the other male. So you can absolutely be “gay” (or bisexual) and have a lifetime of not having gay “relationships. “ You sound bisexual to me. It doesn’t matter why or how you are having these male-on-male sexual encounters. You fantasize about them, and you are having them, and you can not even count how many there have been. So you are a closeted bisexual. The old saying is...”If it walks and quacks like a IS a duck.”