That's a really neat video, I guess I dont quite understand how it's done, may I speculate?
First you record the video, then alter it somehow. Or you recorded audio only and dubbed that in to a program that generated the character?
Actually, no! I didnt have to do that!
I recorded this in VR. The character *is* me. All the movements are my movements. A full headset, and hand controllers, handle the overall movement. The program, along with the sheer tech wizardry of everything, handles my avatar's mouth movement as I speak into it, if you watch closely you can see that most of the mouth movements are correct for the vocalizing being done. The headset cannot track my expressions... yet... but I have control of that via the hand controllers. It also cannot track eye movements (yet) but future headsets will. For now, the eyes act on their own and I have no idea how the AI determines what they will point towards.
I do this in my big media room here that I'm in currently, which has a wide open space in the middle for VR use, so I can physically walk around in that space. You cant see it, as it doesnt render in the camera recording (I'll get to that) but there is a barrier that has been defined to match a pre-set outline of the area in the room; when I get close to it the barrier pops up in front of me, this way I dont smack into a wall.
The part that is really wild to me though is the camera. I've done a VR video before, and shown it on this site, and you can find it here if you havent already seen it... I talk about VR itself and show off a bunch of what the tech can do (particularly since I seriously believe it has a lot of therapeutic use, particularly for sensory stuff). You can check this out here:
I made a video to talk at you a bit...
I used a different character/avatar in that one but it's all the same program. However in that video the viewpoint is my viewpoint. You are seeing exactly what I see. I can have the VR unit render to the screen at the same time as it renders to the headset, so my view is echoed there, and then I use a typical screen recorder to record that window. The issue though is the viewpoint. Since it's seeing exactly what I see it's rendering every little head movement, and my character/avatar cant be seen unless I stand in front of a mirror, which I do at certain points.
But in the video in THIS topic, I'd discovered a different method. I spawned in a magic floating camera that I can point in my direction, and once set, instead of seeing MY view, you now see just the camera's view, which is streamed to the screen and can thus be captured by the recorder software.
The audio bit was also simple: The headset has a microphone and that is also streamed to the PC, and the recorder simply captures that at the same time. I dont have to DO anything to it.
As for editing... pretty much none was done. The only thing done was that the video was in a couple of chunks (to cut out the "loading a new world" sections) and I just had Windows jam the 2nd part onto the end of the first. The only thing I do after that is watch the whole video through to make sure nothing got corrupted.
So that's a bit of explanation of how that works! Pretty crazy, eh? VR is absolutely incredible tech. Also the program I was standing in is called VRChat. You can meet up with other users in there... I often use this to communicate with a very specific user from the forums here... and do social things in VR. But I've found it useful to make these sorts of videos... when talking with certain people through direct messages and such I can make one of these and send THAT instead of a wall of text. Which has gone very well. So though it's called "VRChat" it has soooooo much more potential than JUST being a social experience. I often go in there just to explore different worlds that users have created and relax and mess with stuff.
I would love to see you do the same process while reading a script, like poetry, or a story.
Ah, that's convenient. I just made something like that last night. This is part of an interaction with the user mentioned, a story that I was telling him about an experience from my school days. He's already seen it and I figured, why not show it on the forums too. While the videos I'd done before this involved no editing (as I had no idea how), this new one DID have editing, and it'll become very blatantly obvious as the story goes on. I had fun with it and learned much. If you want to see it, it is here:
A story about a bully from my school days