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I Wish I Was Helped

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...First, I didn't know that putting what you think is someone's real name up is good. Isn't that " doxxing ", bad? Not when it comes to me, however, I suppose. That is 100%untrue up there, what this " Fixer "says. While I don't like having to answer a blatant nintruth, I suppose I have to. I am closeted about being homeless in other online selves. The moving around I've had to do are the " different addresses " referred to (I suppose someone entered that name into one of those " enter this name " websites) When you do, any place you've ever lived come up. I think I"'ve seen addresses of mine dating back to over 20 years ago come up! Invite n tally, many addresses were just PO boxes, or post office general delivery addresses, or homeless help center/s that will be an address for homeless people. The address I may be going back to using in Santa Cruz is the last. And I move my address -and basic place - a lot. In these months here zi went from Santa Cruz to Oregon to New York now)
...First, I didn't know that putting what you think is someone's real name up is good. Isn't that " doxxing ", bad? Not when it comes to me, however, I suppose. That is 100%untrue up there, what this " Fixer "says. While I don't like having to answer a blatant nintruth, I suppose I have to. I am closeted about being homeless in other online selves. The moving around I've had to do are the " different addresses " referred to (I suppose someone entered that name into one of those " enter this name " websites) When you do, any place you've ever lived come up. I think I"'ve seen addresses of mine dating back to over 20 years ago come up! Invite n tally, many addresses were just PO boxes, or post office general delivery addresses, or homeless help center/s that will be an address for homeless people. The address I may be going back to using in Santa Cruz is the last. And I move my address -and basic place - a lot. In these months here zi went from Santa Cruz to Oregon to New York now)

You posted your real name on Wrongplanet in 2009

Falsely GOOGLEd . | Wrong Planet Autism Community Forum
...The above " Fixer " accusation is untrue! Period. I do nor know if the person who put it up is the person who disbelieve that my ID, and other cards, were stolen ' That accusation is untrue, my ID was stolen:tearsofjoy:.
ALL OF the possessions I have, and can access (not those things in storage, which I can't get), do not fill a locker space at that shelter I've stayed at. I'm in a hospital situation now, not there, as I've said I may return to Santa Cruz/the area for reasons I think I gave on another line of mine (and likely gave to leave behind much of what's at that shelter, as my crippledness now rather limits what I can carry:sleeping:.
...A name went up on Wrong Planet. I didn't say it was, or was not, mine. However, you are posting it. Now it's been done repeatedly done by people, posting this name. I haven't asked for money either but I got accused of it anyway! Lovely.
...I wanted to let my feelings out, feel better:cry:. Instead, I get called bad because I didn't say " Yes, sir! You're perfect, sir! I'll do what you say, sir! ":cryingcat: Just for wanting to let my feelings out:anguished:. And I did have my IF stolen, too:(.
...I was trying to avoid saying Ezra's name, but what he digs up - He really is obsessed with me, as I said previously! - does not contradict what I've said here. And again. Doxxing, doxxing, doxxing.
...This " Fixer " lie about me and Exta and Weirdo's attacking me may get me banned here, I know. Ezra, especially, is obviously real determined to get me. I am still homeless, crippled, sick, am at exactly where I said that I am and had horrible things happen to me in the past:cryingcat:. It's all true:cry:.
...I was trying to avoid saying Ezra's name, but what he digs up - He really is obsessed with me, as I said previously! - does not contradict what I've said here. And again. Doxxing, doxxing, doxxing.

@Juliettaa and @Weirdo have been digging up stuff just fine without my help. I really did not need to say anything at all in this tread.

And again. Doxxing, doxxing, doxxing.

Posting what you yourself have written, is not doxxing.
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Okay, to spell this out. EZRA, to use his name, posts what he says I said elsewhere. I only spoke here about what I said here. And EZRA is pretty obsessed with me, isn't he?:angry::confused:? Tons of old posts from another board, ready to post here.:eek:
I haven't asked for money either but I got accused of it anyway! Lovely.

ASS-P said:
Frankly , if anyone is inclined towards $
, maybe sending " well-concealed cash "

Homeless tomorrow | Wrong Planet Autism Community Forum
...I was never even told of this Fixer accusation against me, this is the first I was told of it. Yo repeat myself, I am talking here about what I said here, not ' dozing, dozing, dozing - it was stated I said elsewhere. If I was not going, BTW, to the places I said I went to, why did I write place name details?
Uh, I knew very little about the whole situation, but I was one of those who actually sent 100$ to ASS-P back in 2013. Since I'm in Europe, I've sent it through another WP member's Paypal and I still have the PMs to prove it. At the time, I discussed this with two people there, one a long-time regular.

I've never had any conflicts with you and had no idea you were banned.

I don't know who you are and what your situation is and I'm not complaining about the money since I understood I was taking a risk, but please stop saying you never asked for money: you did so repeatedly on WP and some people actually sent you money.
@SteveNomad - the majority of your posts on here are indirectly asking for money. The constant pleading poverty posts, 'woe is me, my life is so awful' - all indirect forms of begging.

And unfortunately people have fallen for it as posted by @BenderRodriguez. I would assume that he's not the only person to have given you money.

Uh, I knew very little about the whole situation, but I was one of those who actually sent 100$ to ASS-P back in 2013.

Begging on a number of forums must be quite lucrative, particularly when you're asking ND people who may not be able to sniff out a scammer. That's tantamount to exploitation of potentially vulnerable people.
And unfortunately people have fallen for it as posted by @BenderRodriguez. I would assume that he's not the only person to have given you money.

The person who "vetted" him told me others sent some too. At the time ASS-P had thousands of posts and seemed to be a legit member. The asking was done on his behalf by someone else (two people there claimed to have met him IRL) as it was forbidden by the old mod team to ask directly for money (a good rule).

I understood at the time there's a chance the whole thing was a scam, but I decided to take the risk anyway because I became homeless at 14 and sometimes still struggle with feelings of guilt for what I have now.

As a side note, I learned better ways of helping people and I'd rather not see others being guilt-tripped this way.
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